Strange Meetings

Ikari opened his eyes as he remembered that had lost consciousness after he entered the cave he had found. He wasn't sure how long he was asleep but he knew that it was quite a while since most of his wounds had already healed. He was still feeling a bit of pain but it didn't bother him too much. When he was about to get up, he realized that there was a Purple fox with 3 tails and blood red eyes staring at him with curiosity.

Ikari: "...."

Fox: "...."

This was not what he expected to greet him when he woke up but it was better than waking up to something trying to kill him.

Ikari: "Hello there little guy."

Fox: "Hello."

Ikari actually jumped back a bit because the fox just spoke. No animal that Ikari had encountered had actually talked before so this was definitely new..... well except from Esta and she was a Dragon.

Ikari: "Y-You can talk?"

Aria: "Of course I can talk, my name is Aria..... what's your name?"

Ikari: "My name is Ikari, nice to meet you Aria."

Aria: "You were the one fighting all those scary monsters weren't you."

Ikari: "Yea that was me..... how could you tell?"

Aria: "Well I could feel your aura is the same as the one that was fighting the monsters, also you seem like you just got out of a bad fight. I also saw you come inside but you didn't give off a bad aura so I didn't bother you."

Ikari: "Well thank you for that, I should get going now."

Aria: "U-Umm can I go with you?"

Ikari: "I'm not saying no but why?"

Aria: "Well I'm kinda stuck in this place and can't get out. I was almost killed by those monsters multiple times and I had to rely on eating the small fishes in the river close by to survive."

Ikari: "How did you get down here in the first place?"

Aria: "My mom and I were being chased by some bad men that wanted us for some reason. I don't remember because I was much younger at the time but I remember my mom fell down here by accident but she used her body to protect me from getting hurt. We lived down here since then but about a year ago she left and never returned. Ever since then I've been struggling to stay alive, I tried climbing out but it is too steep for me to climb."

Ikari actually felt bad for her. Her story probably wasn't the worst story he had heard, but it was still a little heartbreaking. He knew that she was telling the truth as he could feel it somehow and he tried to be a nice guy to people to deserved it, especially to little children, after all it was a child why he died in the first place.

Ikari: "Fine, I'll take you out of this canyon but where will you go from there?"

Aria: "Simple, I'll stay with you."

Ikari: "Ok that sounds good.....wait hold up what did you just say?"

Aria: "I will stay with you."

Ikari: "Ok no that's not happening."

Aria: "Why not?"

Ikari: "Because I have no time for children....I'm a really busy man."

Aria: "No need to worry, Kitsunes grow up much faster than other races so I won't be this small for too long."

Ikari's eyes twitched as he saw that this small fox really wanted to go with him. It was even snuggling on his feet while slightly purring which looked adorable. He knew something must have happened to her mother for her not to return so it wasn't like it was smart to stay down here. He was a sucker for cute things so this was not working in his favor and he always wanted a pet but the normal dogs and cats were too boring........this could actually work.

Ikari: "Fine but only because I've never seen a talking fox."

Aria: "I'm much more than a talking fox."

Ikari: "Hmm... you say something?"

Aria: "You're mean."

Ikari: "I have no idea what you're talking. Let's just get out of here, jump on my shoulder."

Aria: "Ok, let's go then."

Ikari walked out of the cave with Aria on his shoulder. He then scanned the area to see countless corpses that he had left behind. He then remembered that he hadn't extracted skills as yet.

Ikari: 'Zara, turn on notifications and show me all the available skills that I can extract.'

[DING!!!! System Notifications are now on.]

[DING!!!! Host has killed 671 Lvl 71- Lvl 98 Demonic Beasts]

DING!!!! Host has Killed 34 Lvl 101- Lvl 112 Demonic Beasts]

DING!!!! Host has Killed 2 Lvl 126 Demonic Beast Rulers]

[Host Level has leveled up]

[Host level has increased to 97]

[-24,632 Hp]

[-21,758 Mp]

[Hp and Mp have partially regenerated due to host body being in a state of rest for a couple of hours.]

Ikari: 'Oh wow I didn't even realize I had killed so many. I don't even remember killing so many. Show me all the skills that I can extract.

Zara then showed him a long list that never seemed to end. He was actually surprised at the sheer amount of skills he could extract but in the end he just picked the ones he thought would help him the most.

[Skills that are to be extracted: Bone Control, After imaging, Snake Form, Body Hardening, Enhanced Strength, Mimicry, Eagle's Wings, Vampire of the Abyss, Acidic Blood and Vanishing Booster.]

[Is Host sure that he would like to extract skills?]

Ikari: 'Yes I'm sure.'

[Extracting Bone Control, After imaging, Snake Form, Body Hardening, Enhanced Strength, Mimicry, Eagle's Wings, Vampire of the Abyss, Acidic Blood and Vanishing Booster]

[Bone Control, After imaging, Snake Form, Body Hardening, Enhanced Strength, Mimicry, Eagle's Wings, Vampire of the Abyss, Acidic Blood and Vanishing Booster have been added to skills]

Ikari instantly felt a rush through his body which felt actually really uncomfortable at first but it eventually faded away.

[Snake Form has evolved into Eastern Form]

Ikari: "What?"

Aria: "What's the matter?"

Ikari realized that he accidentally spoke out loud. He silently cursed as he replied.

Ikari: "Not you, I was just thinking about something."

Ikari: 'Explain Zara.'

[Host now has a Eastern and a Western Dragon Form. Host's Western form is his normal Dragon Form, however Host has extracted and assimilated Snake Form which mutated due to the power of the Host. Host's Eastern form is a crimson gray Dragon that can fly without the use of wings and looks like a Flying crimson gray Serpent with blood red eyes. It is longer than the Western form however it lacks the body size of the Western Form.]

Ikari: 'Huh.....interesting. I have to test that one out whenever I get some time.'

Ikari looked over his new skills and was quite happy with his rewards for basically torturing himself over these couple of days.

Bone Control- Basically allows him to control his bone and also to use them as a weapon.

After Imaging- This allows the user to vibrate their bodies at intense a speed and frequency causing the user to appear to be multiple places at once.

Snake form which evolved into Eastern Form is already explained by Zara

Body Hardening- This allows the user to further strengthen their skin or scales to the point where it becomes almost impossible to penetrate it unless God- Class strength is used. This depends on the strength of the user.

Enhanced Strength- This uses the magic of an individual to push their strength beyond it's normal capabilities. This is usually between 2x- 50x depending on how well it is controlled. This takes immense control over the amount of magic reserves that were being used.

Mimicry- This allows the user to copy all basic elemental magic upon seeing it being cast by another person. This is only for the 5 basic elements.

Eagle's Wings- This allows the user to grow a pair of jet black feathery wings that can be used for flight. Ikari only got this as it was much better to have an extra set of wings on him just in case his Dragon wings were somehow out of commission.

Vampire of the Abyss- This allows the user to absorb blood through their hands and this boost the regeneration factor that it possesses. This also gives the user a slight boost in power depending on the type of blood that is being used. The user can also drink blood to have the same effects.

Acidic Blood- This simply turned the user's blood into acid causing damage to anything that the blood might touch, which was good for fighting especially if the being manages to penetrate his skin.

Vanishing Booster- This allows the user to steal magic power and physical energy from their opponents and use that power to boost their own power and magic.

All in all, Ikari was very happy with the new skills that he had received. He looked back at Aria who was now sitting comfortably on his shoulder...she was quite a small fox. He then took her from his shoulders and held her in his hands.

Ikari: "Ok ready."

Aria: "Yes I'm ready too."

Ikari then spread his two massive red wings as he took to the skies in a matter of seconds. He really needed something to eat because he had run out of food and he was still really hungry.

Ikari: 'Zara show me my stats."

[Host Status]

Name: Ikari Akatsuki

Age: 3 Months Old

Race: Dragon (Adult Dragon)

Class: Ultimate

Level: 97

Hp: 5,679/25,228

Mp: 6,708/22,050

Strength- 119 (Super Class)

Intelligence- 105 (Super Class)

Dexterity- 106 (Super Class)

Vitality- 105 (Super Class)


Points- 130

Ikari: 'I guess I just needed 3 more levels until I evolve into a Super Class Dragon. As much as I would love that, I think I prefer taking it easy for the next couple months. I also have a good amount of points but I think I'm gonna save those for now.'

Aria: "So where do you live?"

Ikari: "You will find out soon."

Aria: "Aww come on just tell me."

Ikari: "Just wait, we will be there soon."

Aria: "And who's Zara?"

Ikari's eyes widened when she said those words. How the hell does she know about Zara?

Ikari: "H-How do you know about Zara?"

Aria: "Well when you first came into my cave, you were whispering about Zara and levels or something like that."

Ikari: "O-Oh well I was kinda losing blood really fast so I was hallucinating just a bit."

Aria: "Oh....... Oh well I guess you're alright now."

Ikari: "Yea I'm fine now."

Ikari then started focusing on flying back to the cave. Soon he saw the cave in the distance, he could have arrived much faster but he was still really damaged so he couldn't operate at full power.

Upon arriving he noticed that Esta was at the entrance of the cave talking to a couple of people. He arrived closer to see that it was Lily, Mia and their sisters. He landed, surprising the girls excepting Esta who simply smiled at him until she noticed his wounds.

Mia: "Ikari you're back, I've been really wanting to.. see..... you.....What happened to you? Are you Alright?"

Mia and Lily rushed over to him when they noticed the condition he was in, his clothes were torn and bloody and he had wounds all over his body, if someone looked closely they would see that the wounds were closing up slowly. Esta knew that he just needed a day's rest so she didn't show just how worried she was.

Miya and Leone, the sisters of the girls, were just staring at the wounded human dragon hybrid with mixed feelings of confusion. They were thankful to him for saving them from the terror beasts but they were still kinda cautious around him and also the female dragon that they met a little while ago.

Esta: "Ok that's enough, he needs some rest. You can talk to him after he heals up."

Mia/Lily: "Ok we can wait."

As Ikari was talking towards the cave Esta finally took note of a furry looking creature in Ikari's hands. What did he bring with him?

She decided not to question it yet and he just walked past her but before he fully passed her, he whispered something in her ears that made her heart flutter and her body tingle. They were simple words and yet they made her feel so special.

Ikari: "I missed you, Esta."

Those words would be on replay in her mind as Ikari went into the cave to rest. He was battered and needed to heal his wounds which was already being healed. Aria had fallen asleep in his hands a little before he arrived at the cave so he just sat down on the floor and rest his head against the wall while Aria was on his lap. He started to doze off as he heard Esta and the girls outside discussing something.