Is this Real or Not?

Ikari woke up feeling much better as his wounds had healed up and he had regained his stamina. He felt something on his chest so he looked down to find Aria cuddled up on his chest sleeping. He gently removed her as he got up and stretched out his arms as he released a loud yawn, he felt like he could use a couple more hours of sleep but decided to get up from now. He walked out to the front of the cave to find Esta still talking with Lily and Mika while their sisters were leaning on the side of the entrance of the cave. Esta sensed him coming and turned around with a beautiful smile on her face.

Esta: "So you're finally awake."

Ikari: "Yea, I needed some rest before anything else."

Esta: "I saw that very well. Just what exactly did you go through?"

Ikari: "After I went back to blood canyon, I fought and killed basically everything I could see. It took a few days to kill everything."

Esta's eyes widened when she heard this. The valley was home to high Ultimate class beings as well as a few super class beings. This was ok for someone who was almost at God class like her but for someone who wasn't even a super class as yet it was really dangerous. He might have had the power of a super class being but his body was still that of an Ultimate class.

The girls who were also listening became shocked when they heard this. Blood canyon was ruled as one of the most dangerous places for even the strongest fighters and mages to go to as it was home to some of the most dangerous creatures....Some creatures were even in the super class!

Esta: "ARE YOU CRAZY!!!...I can understand if you fought a couple of them but not THE ENTIRE CANYON!!!!"

Ikari: "Well I wanted to push myself to the limit. If I don't push myself then I won't be able to get stronger."

While Esta was looking shocked at Ikari, the other females also heard this. Both Mika and Lily looked shell shocked about what they had just heard. Only a few humans ever entered Blood Canyon and returned at all, and they were all peak ultimate class but for Ikari to kill every being in the canyon was something that seemed almost impossible. Their older sisters also heard this as their eyes widened in amazement, this was a feat that no one has ever accomplished. (They came with their younger sisters as they wanted to meet Ikari in person but unfortunately they won't meet him until next chapter.)

Ikari: "I'm sorry for making you worry but I can't promise that I won't do reckless things in order to get stronger."

Esta: "As much as I want to punch you through a mountain for making me worry, your words and actions are that of a true dragon....even I can't say no to those words as I have similar feelings ."

Mika and Lily walked up to Ikari and hugged him, completely ignoring Esta's twitching eye. They were worried when they came and he wasn't here and when he had returned, he was covered in wounds and blood. They knew he was a dragon but they felt something for him, something about him made their hearts beat faster when they were around him and they couldn't stand seeing him so injured.

Mika: "Y-Your stupid you know that?... Blood Canyon is so dangerous and yet you took it on single handedly."

Lily; "Mika is right, that was a stupid idea."

Ikari: "Well I'm sorry but my pride wouldn't allow me to run away"

Ikari: 'Also it was free exp and my healing takes care of physical damage.'

Esta: "Ikari, I saw you bring in something furry with you. What exactly was it?"

Ikari: "Oh it was a three tailed fox that I saved in the valley."

Esta: "A three tailed fox?..... Oh I see, you brought a young Kyubi. I haven't seen a Kyubi in decades."

As Ikari was about to speak, Zara sent him some notifications.

[DING!!!! Host has killed 183 Lvl 71- Lvl 98 Demonic Beasts]

DING!!!! Host has Killed 91 Lvl 101- Lvl 112 Demonic Beasts]

DING!!!! Host has Killed 7 Lvl 126 Demonic Beast Rulers]

[Host Level has leveled up]

[Host level has increased to 109]

Ikari: 'Wait what?...How?'

[Some creatures were not dead as yet, they just died due to blood loss and organ failure. The system counts this as a kill due to it being inflicted by host.]

[Host has reached MAX level for Adult Dragon]

[Does Host wish to Evolve?]

Ikari: 'Umm it's not really a good time now Zara.'

[Host has 5 minutes until you automatically evolve.]

Ikari: "God damn it."

Esta: "What was that?"

Ikari: "U-Umm nothing, I'm feeling a little hungry for some fish so I will go hunting, I'll be right back."

Mika: "But you're injured?"

Ikari: "I've healed so I'm good, I'll be back soon to talk to you."

Ikari immediately took to the skies, leaving the girls as he flew over the sea. He knew a couple underwater caves so he decided to use one of them and because he could breathe underwater he wouldn't be affected by the lack of air. He dived into the water as he headed into the closest cave and when he was deep enough he responded to Zara.

Ikari: "Ok Zara I'm ready to evolve now."

Suddenly Ikari transformed back into his Dragon form but he could feel his body evolving as it was actually burning him. He felt himself growing larger as his body was evolving from the ultimate class to the super class. His previous size of 35 ft quickly grew to 60 ft as his muscles grew even stronger than before. His dark red scales turned dark grey as his red eyes glowed crimson, even his stats started to increase rapidly as this was the stage at which a dragon's true strength started to manifest itself.

While this was happening to Ikari, a massive earthquake started to happen due to the power he was giving off. The sunny sky turned dark as lightning started striking across the sky as rain started to fall. The girls looked confused as to what was happening but Esta could feel Ikari's power skyrocketing at it actually made her eyes widened at just how strong he was becoming. His power was so great at it even changed the atmospheric pressure.

Esta: "H-How is this even possible to get this much power?"

Soon Ikari's evolution was completed as he was now in his prime. Dragons lived indefinitely and didn't die of old age but even so their bodies only got stronger depending on their level of training. There has only ever been 2 Dragon Gods as they trained for hundreds of years non-stop to attain that level of power but other dragons didn't have that level of discipline.

Ikari looked at his new body in awe as it was now barely able to fit inside of the cave. He had grown much larger and was now absurdly stronger. His power exceeded his expectations when he decided to evolve.

Ikari: "Zara show me my current stats."

[Host Status]

Name: Ikari Akatsuki

Age: 4 Months Old

Race: Dragon (Prime Dragon)

Class: Super

Level: 109

Hp: 77,456/77,456

Mp: 70,228/70,228

Strength- 206 (Super Class)

Intelligence- 181 (Super Class)

Dexterity- 188 (Super Class)

Vitality- 194 (Super Class)


Points- 190


Calmness- Always keeps host in a right and calm state of mind.

System's Body- Prevents host from taking actual damage. Instead of taking damage, the damage is taken from the Hp points. If Hp reaches zero then host is dead.

Devour- Allows host to take the abilities of any race upon killing them.

Evolve- When host reaches to a certain level, system will allow host to evolve into a different type of Dragon.

Flight- This ability gives the user the ability to fly. This is granted to most dragons.

Gain- This allows host to level up much faster than normally.

Sword Mastery Lvl MAX- This is how fluent host is able to wield a sword.

Close Quarter Combat (CQC) Lvl MAX- This is how good host can fight with his hands, short daggers and knives.

Poisonous Saliva- This makes the saliva of the host poisonous that eventually kills who is bitten unless they possess a poison resistance skill or if they remove the poison fast enough.

Poison Resistance- This is the ability to resist poisons.

Acidic Breath- This skill turns the user's saliva into deadly acid on the user's command. This acid is so deadly that it can easily melt through the toughest alloys.

Underwater Breathing- This grants the user the ability to breath underwater.

Humanoid Form- This allows the user to gain a semi-human form by using the magic around their body to compress it into a smaller yet human like form. They still retain dragon like features but they look like demi-humans.

Human Form- This allows the user to gain a human form by using the magic around their body to compress it into a human form. They don't retain dragon like features but they look exactly like humans.

Regeneration (High)- This gives the user a high regeneration which heals small wounds almost instantly and heals large wounds very fast. Users can even regenerate lost limbs and organs.

True Draconic Aura- All dragons when they are born posses this however it is weak and only other dragons can sense this. However when Dragons become adults, this evolves into True Draconic Aura. This Aura basically radiates strength and causes animals to instinctively fear you, this also alerts all beings that a Dragon is close by. For male dragons, the stronger this aura is, the more the opposite gender of all races are attracted to user. This allows stronger beings such as other Dragons, Gods and Demons to identify that the user is a Dragon and how strong the user is.

Kingly Aura (Medium)- This gives the user an aura of a King and makes weaker beings want to follow and trust the user. This is also a rare form of Aura that allows the user to exert their own willpower over others. This Aura gives user the presence of a king. The Stronger the aura, the stronger the kingly presence will become. This aura will make weaker being willing to listen to and follow whatever host commands. It is said that whoever possesses this type of Aura has the qualities of a king. It is a power that one must be born with.

Fire Skills- Fire Breath, Fire Skin, Explosive Wave, Multiple Fireball, Fire Slash, Volcanic Ash, Heatwave, Fallen Phoenix, Death Flames.

Water/Ice Skills- Frost Breath, Iceland, Unholy Blizzard, Sub Zero, Absolute Zero, Water Dragon, Tsunami, Apocalyptic Typhoon, Water Slice.

Wind Skills- Wind Dragon, Wind Slice, Tornado Stomp, Jet.

Lightning Skills- Lightning Cutter, Blade of the Thunder God, Lightning Dragon, Lightning Skin.

Earth Skills- Earth Armor, Earth Dragon, Cataclysm, Earth Dome.

Demonic Skills- Demonic Slash, Demon Clap, Uprising, Demonic Blast, Aura of Negativity

Divine Skills- Healing Aura, Holy Slash, Light of Judgement.

Dragon Slaying- NONE

Bone Control- Basically allows him to control his bone and also to use them as a weapon.

After Imaging- This allows the user to vibrate their bodies at intense a speed and frequency causing the user to appear to be multiple places at once.

Eastern Form- This give Host the ability to transform into an Eastern Dragon at will. Host form looks like that of a massive flying snake with four legs.

Body Hardening- This allows the user to further strengthen their skin or scales to the point where it becomes almost impossible to penetrate it unless God- Class strength is used. This depends on the strength of the user.

Enhanced Strength- This uses the magic of an individual to push their strength beyond it's normal capabilities. This is usually between 2x- 50x depending on how well it is controlled. This takes immense control over the amount of magic reserves that were being used.

Mimicry- This allows the user to copy all basic elemental magic upon seeing it being cast by another person. This is only for the 5 basic elements.

Eagle's Wings- This allows the user to grow a pair of jet black feathery wings that can be used for flight. Ikari only got this as it was much better to have an extra set of wings on him just in case his Dragon wings were somehow out of commission.

Vampire of the Abyss- This allows the user to absorb blood through their hands and this boost the regeneration factor that it possesses. This also gives the user a slight boost in power depending on the type of blood that is being used. The user can also drink blood to have the same effects.

Acidic Blood- This simply turned the user's blood into acid causing damage to anything that the blood might touch, which was good for fighting especially if the being manages to penetrate his skin.

Vanishing Booster- This allows the user to steal magic power and physical energy from their opponents and use that power to boost their own power and magic.

Ikari: "Oh Damn....I was not expecting this much of a boost...and I got a human form now, also my Kingly aura went up a bit. Is being a dragon this much hacks?"

[Dragons are the strongest and most feared beings for a reason. Their bodies possess unlimited potential that cannot be stolen by another race.]

Ikari looked at his stats in complete shock as he didn't expect that his stats would increase by this much. He knew that evolving would make him stronger but this was just ridiculous as his power had literally shot through the roof. He just shook his head as he started to glow. He went into his human form as he noticed that it looked exactly like his humanoid form but it lacked the dragon parts. He started swimming out of the cave as he wanted to head back to the girls. He knew that Esta probably felt his power but the others didn't. He even started to wonder why the girls were even by his cave and wanted to see him....they must have come for a reason. With all this on his mind, he burst from the water as he flew back to the girls.


Sorry for the extra super late update but I was focusing on my other book. You guys should read it, it's not that bad....I think.

The name of my second book is "The OP Anime System: God's Blessing"

Anyways I'm gonna start updating again and I hope you like the new chap. I'm not gonna rush into the harem like some other books but I want it to feel like a real relationship. Thanks for reading my book and I hope you all enjoyed........ PEACE!!!!!!!!