Met stranger to talk

Because of her first kiss, Serene didn't sense any presence till 5 minutes of her talk. After 5 minutes a leaf fell from above. She suddenly stopped herself from talking and sensed someone above her. That person was good at hiding. 

When she didn't talk for 5 minutes he couldn't control himself and jumped down from the tree in front of her. Before he could see her, Serene looked away from him and hid her face to the other side of the tree.

That person felt that he was ignored, but then there was no reason for her to ignore him so he also went to the other side of the tree to greet her. 

"Hello!" He said energetically but was again ignored by Serene, who looked away again before he could even see her front hair styles even. 

He raised his eyebrows in amusement and tried again "Hey!" But failed again by the same trick.

He instantly realized that she found his existence five minutes earlier when she stopped talking and sat still while hugging the tree. "You knew I was here, that's why you are angry!" He said amusingly.

"Hmph!" From the side of the tree a grumpy voice came for him.

He smiled gently and sat down beside her, she was still facing away from him. "Okay I am sorry I was wrong"

"Whatever," Serene said angrily. She talks to herself was quite secret things she never shows to anyone. But some one saw her talking crazily to herself, moreover hugging with her whole body to tree.

That person didn't mind her anger and asked casually as a friend "So about whom you were talking about?"

Serene frowned and irritatingly said "None of your business I think?"

He smiled like one the best happiest creatures and asked expectantly "Why are you being rude to me?"

"Because I am not in the mood to be good to anyone. Especially eavesdroppers!" Sere hugged her tree tighter because of embarrassment.

"Hey that was unintentional!" He immediately replied like it was a truth.

Serene scoffed loudly so that he could hear her completely. "Yeah sitting over there for 10 minutes straight was because you were forced by a tree to don't move your ass from up there till he speaks or until I stop entertaining you from my speech?"

He chuckled lightly. No one has ever spoken to him like that ever. He finds her very interesting. "Okay my fault but i really liked you from up there but now I am loving you."

"Fuck off don't get on my bad books, I'll kick your ass mercilessly." She replied solemnly.

She was really annoyed. Initially when stair incident happened, she was in a hurry to leave instantly because she found herself guilty from the first incident. But now because of him she loses her kiss. 'Fuck!'

He felt more light hearted by her comment. He crossed his leg and sat beside her. "Such a fierce girl. Okay leave let's talk about your problem. I am sure you will feel better." He actually just wanted to talk to her.

"What is there to talk about? You already heard me clearly." 

"Yes I did but still some things are still unclear. Believe me a stranger is one of the best listeners. And before all that, can you please leave that tree and show me your face. I am sure this tree must be suffocating by now" 

Since he came down, she didn't give away her seat to cold air even. He wanted to see her expression when she cursed.

Serene also felt suffocated by hugging the tree this forcefully. She left the tree, turned herself back towards the garden and leaned her back to the tree. She actually felt better by sitting this way.

When that person sitting beside her saw her, he was stunned by her beauty and forgot to even take his eyes away from her.

"Can you stop staring at me" Serene felt annoyed by his reaction. She is not a show piece, who was here to be stared by everyone.

He coughed lightly "Sorry" Even he felt embarrassed. He was never mesmerized by anyone before but now!

"Can I love you?" He shamelessly asked. He wasn't serious, just wanted to tease her.

"What! No you can't. You just said you are a stranger" She felt betrayed by his comment. She pouted with complaints all over her face.

"I can take that back"

"Hmph I am not talking to a stranger anymore either" She looked away from him again.

He chuckled brightly by her behaviour. He badly wants her to be his friend right away. But things shouldn't be hasty when it comes to friendship. "Okay okay sorry, I won't. Now look at me"