She kissed SOHAM Shetty!

"Hello my name is Bhumit Yadav" He moved forward and shook his hand to shake.

Serene shook her hand with him "Serene no last name"

Bhumit raised his eyebrow and nodded his head in understanding "Second year 19 year old" He said again to make himself more familiar for her.

Serene replied back casually. "First year, 18 this year."

"So wanna talk now?" Bhumit casually tried to talk about the main issue with her.

She immediately shook her head in disagreement "Nope just wanna stay silent." Whenever she thinks about her loss she gets furious.

He didn't force her too. "Okay let's stay silent." They both silently took tree's support with their backs.



Just in 5 minutes Serene couldn't control herself and burst out her anger instantly.

"You know what, there's a guy, who hates when someone touches him. At first I got a task as being ragged that to hug him. I was successful, but he sued me for sexually assaulting him. 

But I already removed all evidence against me before he could do anything. So he lost to me. And he actually forgot that incident.

After one week means today, I accidentally fell on him, which led to kiss between us. Actually that wasn't a kiss but our lips smacked together.

What worried me initially was that he will kill me for sure, this time. Because he was so shocked by the incident that he was flat on the floor for 5 minutes straight in shock.

I can't even guarantee if he blinked even or not that time.

But now when I think about it again. I feel angry because I lost my first kiss to a stranger instead of a lover. Now I am feeling like I should have killed him instead of letting him go this easily" She took a deep breath after completing her whole story.

His mouth gaped automatically with her story, moreover someone was using her just because of a hug. "Woah man you suffered a lot in one week already." He actually wants to meet that bastard. He can be a good friend to someone he knows.

"Exactly, my college life just started and I am already in misery! Ahh" Her brother told her that college life is one of the best stages of someone's life but! This is not what she wanted at all. 'Take me back brother!'

"Okay calm down." He consoled her soothingly.

She angrily took deep breath in anger "Huff huff"

He sat straight facing her, looking straight to her eyes."Is he bothering you? Do you want me to help? I can help you. What's his name." If she asks him, he will definitely help her. And he can definitely help her in the best way. It's not a big deal for him to handle one bastard in this college.

Serene looked back to him and nonchalantly replied "Soham Shetty"

Bhumit's eyes widened with that name instantly. "Uhu uhu uhu What did you say." He started coughing loudly for one minute. HIS FRIEND Soham!!!

Serene understands his dilemma and why he was shocked because she knows that he was kind of famous in this college "Soham Shetty. I know he is kind of powerful or something. Don't worry, I don't need your help. I handled him once, I can handle him twice too. It just.... MY FIRST KISS!!"

"Do you know who he is?"

He narrowed his eyes with doubt. He can see that she actually doesn't know anything about him, but is there any girl in this city who doesn't know Soham Shetty? 

If he is not wrong, every girl wants him as his boyfriend, but there is actually a girl who hates him? How? 

She scoffed with disdain "I don't give a damn, who he is. He just better don't cross my way or I will kill him!" That man will pay for her lips.

Bhumit suddenly remembered what was the main reason for her anger and asked immediately "You... You kissed him today?" Did she kiss his untouchable friend! He beat the shit out of him because once he hugged him forcefully! He still hasn't forgotten his friend's anger till now. 

She yelled instantly in frustration. "That was not a kiss but smacking two lips together. Why are you not listening clearly!" She doesn't want to listen to KISS words anymore.

He straightaway apologized "Sorry sorry. So what are you gonna do now!" He badly wants to know these two things, how did she handle Soham at first, for that hug. And how is she going to handle him this time? He badly wants to see that happen, with his own eyes.

She hid her face between her knees and grumply said "I don't know. I just want to cry, but because of anger! I am not able to cry either. Ahhh that's so frustrating!" She cried drily.

"Awww you wanna hug!" Bhumit saw how cute she looked grumpy. He wants to console her but on the other side he wants to see more of her.

"Get away! Right now I just want to kill someone." She threateningly looked at him like he was her prey.

Bhumit scooted away from her in scare "Stay away!"