Fight Fight

"Soham...?" Serene who was content after eating one bowl of noodles was back to her guilt. 

Soham from the door looked at her then the two bowls together on dining table. The environment would have looked cozy if the person in there wasn't Serene. Soham's eyes darkened with rage.

"Come out." He coldly called her out.

Serene instantly stood up and moved towards the door. Turning her head to Ishaan she thanked him in a low voice. "Amm Ishaan I'll take my leave now. Thanks for the noo... noodles. And-"

Soham cut her sentence in the middle and irritatedly said. "Are you coming or not." He can't bear the view of them close together anymore.

"Coming." Serene immediately ran out of the suit following Soham.