Soham smiled to a chick

Inside the bedroom Serene couldn't sleep for a wink even. Her whole night was messed up with anger, desperation and with inexplicable feelings. She wanted to go out to him but the feeling of her being wronged didn't let her walked on her ego and forgive him.

She was way too frustrated by his way of handling things. Soham uses her possessiveness to win fights between them everytime. This time until he apologizes she will not back off. 

But then again after spending the whole night thinking about him she knew one thing for sure. Like Harry and Henry who are her top two most important people in her life, Soham became the top third member in her life. He isn't replaceable. She can't think of him leaving her alone for someone else. 

He is her's.

Still backing off isn't in her to do list this time.