Chasing Serene

Soham hurriedly got ready to go for the college. Though his class wasn't that early but he needed to chase Serene before she left her class.

Just the moment, when Soham opened the main door to go out he met Harry on the hall way, who was about to ring a bell.

"Woah woah man. Where are you running to?" Harry asked Soham, who almost gave him a lovely cozy hug.

Soham swiftly avoided their collision and said. "College. What do you want?" Asking that he went straight to the lift area.

Thinking how Serene didn't have anything since yesterday noon was making him anxious minute by minute. He didn't want to waste any more minute on talking.

Seeing Soham going alone for the college, Harry's brows raised in surprise. He followed after him and replied. "Nothing just came for breakfast. You are alone?"

"I didn't cook. Go out and eat." Soham didn't look back to him while replying.