Shout at her

Soham knew Serene wouldn't go back to the apartment till the right time comes. And the right time is her direct training timing. The best place she would find to hide herself is inside the college.

Not her home because that would hurt Soham. Not class because she would be bored to death, and the last thing Serene would choose as her hide out will be classroom. Suddenly Soham remembered where Serene went after their first fight.

He straight away went to the terrace of their college's first building. Reaching there he couldn't find her. But from there he saw her bag on the fifth building terrace to his right.

Wasting no time he jumped building to building to reach there.

Serene who was finally able to sleep properly after more than 24 hours suddenly heard some heavy foot jumping over to her side.

When she felt someone jumping right to her side she immediately stood up from the ground.

Seeing Soham's sudden arrival in her front of eyes, Serene screamed in fear. "Aaah Ouch!"