Talks about dreams

"Are you alright? Where are you? I heard what happened to your car." Harry worriedly asked her. 

"Yeah brother i am alright. Don't worry." Serene patiently informed Harry on the phone. 

Her driver works on Harry's orders. The moment she left the building entrance he informed about her car incident and her plan to go on a bus ride to Harry right away. Serene didn't find it wrong because it's best to be safe then cry because of it later. 

Harry didn't care how calm Serene was trying to sound to soothe his anger. Hearing how her car's brake had been screwed up by someone purposely, he was very infuriated by that. He wanted to reach her as fast as he could. But his sister already took off with some bus ride or something just for useless excitement. 

"Where are you? I am coming to pick you up. Get off the bus." He said. 

Serene instantly denied. "No brother it's alright. I got the ride and i am totally safe-"