Family dinner

"Serene?" A voice came from Ashwin's phone.

Serene who just came back while carrying the tray with their ice-cream immediately turned her head to the phone that was on speaker on the table besides Ashwin's hands.

"Aunty?" She doubtfully asked.

"Why didn't you tell me that you are free now? And why the hell you are hanging with the old man. You should have told me. I would have joined you instead." Aditi said in jealous.

After entering the ice cream parlor Ashwin took a photo with Serene before sending it to his wife. Aditi who was enjoying her small party immediately called off her party and called Ashwin aggrievedly.

Ashwin almost choked hearing his wife endearment for him. As being little wronged by his wife, he said. "Honey whom are you calling Old?"