Chapter 8

Tracie reached down and tried to push his hands against her, but instead he put his hands over hers and guided her fingers to her opening.

"I like it when you touch yourself, princess. You don't know how hard it makes me."

"Oh, yes I do," she giggled. "That's not the fireplace poked sticking into my ass."

His mouth was close to her ear, his breath fanning the skin. "Princess, remember how we watched those movies about threesomes?"

Pete had an impressive collection of erotic movies that they watched two or three times a week. He liked them to do the things to each other they saw on the screen.

"Uh huh." Her pussy clenched as she began to get a hint of where he was going.

"And remember you once said you had a fantasy about being fucked by two men at the same time?"

"Y-Yes." That had been one of her hidden dreams, and she'd confided it to him during one movie night.

At that moment a door closed somewhere inside and Tracie jumped. "What's that noise?"

Pete tightened his arms around her and pulled her back onto his lap. "Sit still sugar. That noise means I'm about to make your dream come true."

He began stroking her pussy and tugging on her clit, putting pressure on the butt plug with his thigh.

"Room in there for one more?"

Tracie would have jumped out of the tub at the sound of the deep male voice if Pete's arms weren't locked around her.


A tall, deeply tanned man with shoulder length black hair, smoldering eyes and a magnificent body walked around to the front of the tub. He was totally nude and sporting an impressive erection.

"Hey, Dallas. Pardon me if I don't offer to shake hands but I'm a little occupied at the moment." He shifted slightly. "Princess, meet my friend, Dallas. I told him if he brought the stuff himself he could help us break in the new toys."

Dallas laughed, a deep, rich sound, and lowered himself into the tub.

Tracie struggled in Pete's grip. "Pete, I'm not sure..."

He moved his hands up to cup her breasts and traced a kiss along the line of her jaw. "Ssh. It's all right. I haven't steered you wrong yet, have I?"


"But what?" He pinched her nipples.

She sighed, everything inside her quivering. "But nothing, I guess. Whatever you say."

"Good girl." He got his feet under him and heaved them both up onto the ledge of the tub. Draping Tracie's legs over his again, he moved her hands to her cunt. "Let's show Dallas that delicious little puss, shall we?"

Tracie looked up to see Dallas standing directly in front of her, eyes raking her body, a tiny smile curving his lips.

"I'd like nothing better than to see what Pete's been raving about," he told her.

He's been talking about me? This is too weird?.

But something hot curled in the pit of her stomach, hidden desires thrusting forward. She took a deep breath and spread her labia as wide as she could.

Dallas drew in a breath and appreciation flashed in his eyes. "Gorgeous, Tracie. That is the most beautiful cunt I've ever seen." He moved closer still, reached out a hand, and ran it the length of her slit.

Tracie felt her juices begin to flow at once and her clit start to throb. She could hardly believe how instantly aroused she was.

"Man, she's a hot little thing, isn't she?" Dallas grinned. "No wonder you want to hang onto her." He kneeled on the floor of the hot tub, smiled at Tracie and slid two fingers into her vagina, stroking them in and out.

Tracie's breathing hitched.

A man I just met is putting his fingers inside me and I'm so hot I can't stand it. I must be turning into a sex addict.

"Just as long as you remember she's mine we'll be okay." Pete's voice was joking but underneath was a serious edge. Warning: you can play all you want but I call the shots and she belongs to me.

Tracie suddenly relaxed into the situation. Pete had staked a claim on her to his best friend in no uncertain words. That's what the collar was all about, too. She leaned back against him and let herself enjoy the sensations rolling over her body.

Pete put his mouth close to her ear. "Shall we show Dallas how beautiful that cunt looks when you come? Hmm? Let him see what's all mine?"

"Yes," she whispered. "If you want to."

"That's my girl." He moved his legs to spread hers wider. "Play with your nipples, princess. My hands will be busy elsewhere."

She knew by now what to expect. He always wanted her to come wide open before they did anything else. It excited him to watch and left her more aroused than before. And now he wanted his friend to see.

Obediently she lifted her hands and began to roll her nipples, tugging them the way Pete did, pulling on them, scraping her fingernails across the hardened tips.

Dallas added a third finger to the other two in her slick channel while Pete began rubbing and tugging on her clit, drawing it down and back up again. Dallas's fingers began moving in and out in a calculated rhythm.

Tracie closed her eyes, letting sensations wash over her. Her eyes flew open as she felt Dallas's other hand drift down to her anus, pushing on the plug.

"Smart," he told Pete, his voice tight. "She'll be nice and relaxed back here. I'll bet it's heaven to bury yourself in that sweet asshole."

"If you behave yourself I might let you find out."

Tracie's stomach muscles tightened, not in apprehension but anticipation. God, she couldn't believe she actually wanted this.

Dallas began fingerfucking her faster and faster, while Pete rubbed and flicked at her clit. Tracie began hunching, rubbing her nipples harder and harder. And then she came, the spasms rolling over her like a tidal wave.

"Son of a bitch, look at that." Dallas's voice held a note of awe as he withdrew all of his fingers from her and pulled her labia as wide as they could go.

Pete pressed hard against the insides of her thighs and tightened his arms around her waist.

Tracie felt her vaginal muscles clench and quiver, desperately seeking something to fill the emptiness. When the last spasm had died away, she leaned back into Pete, pulling herself together because she knew the evening was just beginning. He turned her face and kissed her, his tongue sweeping deep into her mouth, and she knew it was one more mark he was putting on her, one more warning to Dallas that he could play but in the end she'd still be Pete's.

Maybe, just maybe...

Dallas traced the line of her slit one last time, lightly pinched her clit and looked up at Pete. "Think she's ready for the next step?"

Pete chuckled. "Oh, yeah. She's really learning the pleasure principle."

In a flash they were all out of the hot tub and dried off with the big towels she'd stacked on one of the lounge chair. Pete pulled Tracie against his body and whispered in her ear. "I'll give Dallas permission for many things tonight, but you're mine alone. Understand?"

She nodded her head.

"Good." He lifted her in his arms and walked inside. "Then we'll get started."