Chapter 9

Dallas walked ahead of them to the third bedroom, and Tracie remembered he'd been here yesterday setting it all up. He went directly to the padded bench and pulled out two extensions from the side. Pete stood Tracie on the floor next to the bench, went to the wall and switched on the intercom, then lit the candles set up in a grouping on a small table. The soft music from the stereo flowed into the room and the jasmine scent of the candles began to waft on the air.


Pete was behind her now, his hands on her shoulders, thumbs stroking the column of her neck.

A ball of heat formed in her stomach. He seldom called her anything but princess, so she knew this was heavy business. "Mm hmm?"

"I've told Dallas the pleasure you bring me when you suck my cock. As friends we've always shared, so tonight you'll do the same for him. Right now I want you to give him a taste of what he's in for." His hands pressed down on her. "Kneel for me, princess, and take him into your mouth."

Tracie looked up at Dallas, his face tight, his eyes burning into hers, knelt before him and grasped his erection in her hand. She stroked it up and down, feeling the silken skin over the steel shaft, ran her tongue over the dark head, then took him into her mouth. As she closed her lips over him she heard a quick intake of breath, then she began to suck him, her other hand reaching to cup his sac. Dallas started to pump his hips, then stopped, holding himself tensely as Tracie worked her magic on his rod.

Behind her, Pete was rubbing his cock over her shoulders, her back, her arms. The sensation of the two cocks sent a thunderbolt through her straight to her pussy, and she squeezed her legs together.

"Enough." Pete placed his hands over her jaw and moved her mouth away from Dallas.

His erection bobbed in front of her, slick with her saliva, the veins at the sides throbbing. She looked up at him and he smiled, took his rod in his hand and ran his thumb over the head. "I can see what Pete means. He's a very lucky man."

"If you behave," Pete joked, "later on you'll find out just how lucky. Meanwhile." He turned Tracie to face him. "Dallas couldn't believe me when I told him how spanking excited you, a neophyte for all intents and purposes. I told him I thought it was getting old hate to you."

"No, never." She smiled at him.

"But I like to keep everything fresh and new for you. That's why I got the spanking glove. But Dallas has devised something even better."

"Better?" She widened her eyes.

"I think so. you tell me."

He urged her down to her stomach on the padded bench, her beasts hanging free through the cutout holes. Pete fastened the manacles around her wrists at the head while Dallas fastened the ones at her ankles. She felt her legs being spread apart as the sides of the bench swung outward until she was spread-eagled. Next Pete fastened a scarf around her eyes, blindfolding her like the night before.

"The senses, princess," he reminded her. "So you'll feel everything that much more acutely.'

Before she had a chance to prepare herself, she felt a hand come down on her ass in a stinging slap, right at the base of her cleft. Heat began to surge through her.

"We'll see if you like my technique better than Pete's," Dallas chuckled.

He began to spank but not in a rhythm the way Pete did. She couldn't anticipate because she had no idea when or where the next one would fall. They were just sharp enough to bring the bite of pleasure-pain that she'd learned to hunger after, especially when they landed on the base of the plug. As the cheeks of her ass began to burn, she felt liquid trickling from her cunt and the pulse deep within her start to beat more heavily.

Then, without warning, it all stopped.

Tracie moaned and wiggled her ass as much as she could, wanting the spanking to continue. Her body demanding the pleasure it had almost come to require.

Dallas chuckled. "I think you've created a monster, Pete."

"'Fraid so." He ran his hand lightly over Tracie's burning ass.

"She's definitely ready for the next level, then. Just as we discussed."

Tracie wanted to ask them what they meant but before she could open her mouth, Pete had slid two fingers inside her and all she could think of was clenching around them.

"Princess?" Pete leaned close enough to put his mouth to her ear.

"Dallas has perfected a new technique that he tells me his subs love. It ups the pleasure-pain threshold and is instantly arousing. "

"W-What is it?" He body was so hot she could hardly think and the night had just started. She felt something thin and light trail down one arm. "What's that?"

"That's a very thin, very fine whip that Dallas has made himself."

At the word whip Tracie tensed. "Pete..."

"Sssh. Do you trust me, princess? Do you believe I would never, ever do anything to cause you real pain? That everything I do is designed to bring you the greatest amount of pleasure possible?"

"Yes." She licked her lips. "Yes, M-Master."

"Then I want you to just close your eyes behind that scarf and think of nothing but pleasure. No fear. Nothing. Just pleasure.. Okay?"

She nodded.

"Good." He turned her mouth, bent still lower and kissed her, hard.

She felt the bench begin to rise in the center, so her head and her legs were lower than her middle, shoving her ass high in the air. She felt Pete standing with his legs on either side of her head. Then hands - Dallas's - spreading the cheeks of her ass wide, wide, wide, slowly removing the plug.

"Remember the oil we used last night?" Pete asked. "It contains a special stimulator Dallas and I had made up. This one is even stronger. As soon as I apply it, your asshole will tingle and your pussy will be more aroused than it's ever been."

She felt the hot oil trickle down the crease of her ass and pour over her anus. Then, with Dallas holding her open, Pete slid two fingers inside and began to massage the oil into the tissues of her dark tunnel. He did it three times, and by the third time every nerve in her ass and her cunt felt as if it was on fire and only a stiff cock could extinguish the flame. Feeling Dallas's eyes on her only made her hotter. She tried to wiggle but he held her firm in his grasp.

Then his hands moved away to be replaced by Pete's, holding her open just as wide. She held her breath in anticipation. The air was thick with the jasmine now and the music was washing over her.

"Tracie?" Dallas's voice came from right next to her. "I'm going to let you feel this in other places, first, so you know what's coming."

Instantly she felt a tiny sting on the inside of her thigh. Then another, this one on her calf. And finally, one on one cheek of her ass. She felt the level of lust creeping higher inside her and moaned again.