Blackness, that's all I saw, expecting to dream when no dreams would come. This is what I imagined death to be, staring into the back of your eyelids for eternity. My date with the dark, drifting into the abysmal nothingness that we're all destined for...was interrupted by a soft hand covering my mouth.
Upon opening my eyes, an eerie silence oozed in the night, Sage slowly came into focus. Oval face, slanted eyes, the crimson color bleeding into his features. All the fire was out, it was as if the blackness from my sleep followed me here. He put a finger to his mouth to indicate 'be quiet.' From a quick glance to the left, the big bags were still there but Tomorrow wasn't, and there was a dead body by the door. I attempted to speak, but Sage muffled me by pressing harder.
"They're inside Hornet," he whispered.