Chapter 66

Able to wrap the book beneath my shirt, I pressed it tight to my person. Jasmine took out a gigantic steel ring flooded with keys. The back door had five different locks on it. Each one was inside a different circle marked by a particular color splayed on the door.

She took her time, deliberating which key turned which lock. There was a distinct pattern to it, the concentration was necessary. All eyes were on her, I used that to my advantage and nudged Obsidian slightly on his foot. No response, maybe he was in a coma, or worse, brain dead. Optimism began to leave me until his foot jerked back.

"You are trespassing inside the Medical Ward. I cannot allow you to proceed. You are trespassing inside the..." the robot alarm said over and over, as the sound of sirens rang out in the small office. "Please stop what you are doing, resistance is on their way. Please stop what you are doing."