Out the corner of my eye was an amorphous being ruffling under a shawl. Who else has seen this place and lived? Besides me? Feminine whimpering emitted from beneath it. Part of it wrapped around the curvature of her body. A fecund scent, pheromones, more than enough clues. I'd solved the case. Making an open palm to The Collector to symbolize both halt, and peace, I spoke.
"Is she part of your art?"
"Soon...she'll be waitress....serve drinks."
"Playing cards, is this something you did on the outside?"
"Father...gambled. I re-make his life. Need waitress."
I looked around for inklings to help my case, which in turn would save her.
"But you don't have any drinks, any coasters."
"No need...just need her."
"Why not let her go with me? I'll take care of her."
"No, I need your help...that's why I call you here. I need you to silence her."
A louder whimper this time from beneath the shawl, eavesdropping on the conversation. A thin line of urine pooling from the edge.