Chapter 16

"Nothing but a mere glance at your beautiful jewel, does it warrant pain on my behalf?"

"I care not what you believe!" Cassius replied, as he got closer to Gamon, who began losing footing in the chase. He was too much of a slacker, and always found excuses to not run drills. It cost him this time.

He runs, terrified, towards the comet, and steps into the booming vegetation that the strange meteor was providing the soil. He stopped and revealed a warhammer in his possession.

"Come any closer and I shall free your soul from your body, take not another step if thy relish the life you've been given by God of the Eternal!" threatened Gamon, as the warhammer shook in his meagergrip.

"Your bark does not scare me in the slightest boy, but my bite will surely end you."

"One more step and I'll...kill you!" Gamon screamed as he lunged forward, going for broke.

Cassius easily dodged him, quite to his embarrassment, and gripped him by the neck, lifting him off the ground. Gamon dangled like a kitten handled by the nape. The comet, now both the background and audience of the fight began to glow with a bright lavender color. Soon after it started pulsating, steadily, like heart overrun with caffeine.

"Thheeeeeetimmmeee has comeeeedarlingsss," The demon's voice quivered.

Both Cassius and Gamon are astonished to hear it.

Meanwhile, Quinn starts convulsing and vomiting inside the prison cell, feeling the changes from the comet in his body. The meteor rumbled, and throbbed more and more with a loud shrieking sound coming from within. Cassius dropped Gamon and covered his ears.

"What is happening?"

Gamon landed hard on the ground gasping for air, happy to be free of an angry husband's grip. The army and other personnel rushed outside from the sound and point at the comet, which is now pulsating HARDER and HARDER, the screech LOUDER and LOUDER. Something, or someone was inside pleading to be free.

"Yooouuuuwillllalllllperishhhhh," The demon expressed as the comet BURSTED open.

Illuminated purple neon lights flashing like a thick laser beam, discharging into the sky, as thousands of the small black creatures swarmed out like ants from a destroyed anthill. Everyone watched in horror as the black creatures began eating and mercilessly killing everyone in sight, except for Cassius and Gamon, surprisingly. All the creatures dashed forward ahead of them, missing their chance.

Blood and guts spilled all over the area, limbs littered all over the brightly green grass, death covering over the new earth. The army attempted to thwart the creatures by piercing their faces and heads with pikes and bastard swords, all to no avail; nothing seemed to stop the onslaught. Roman peeked out the window at the dreadfulness and quickly locked the door.

"We are in grave danger Ryia, do not leave this room. Hell has been brought upon us!" cautioned Roman.

"But what of Cassius?"

Cries and carnage continued to rampage relentlessly throughout the area. Quinn reacted to every death like he was the one killing them. During the attack, people were shredded open and consumed. Cassius shook off his panic and rushed to the tent, forgetting his fight with Gamon completely.

Gamon was still gasping for air, cursing at his corncob pipe mentally, his lungs filled with tar from the tobacco use.And he was also struggling to accept what was happening before him. He stood and peeked over into the now opened comet. He noticed that it resembled the inside of an egg, and in that moment he SPOTTED it. The granite embryo-like rune located dead in the center. It had strange letters inscribed on it. He couldn't look away. Fully entranced by this relic, and slowly, otherworldly voices flew into his mind.

"Freeeedddooomm, release meee, O chosen one...master of men...God of the Eternal..." the voice chanted in his head, in a million different voices, with thousands of different languages. Consumed in a catacomb of talkative spirits.