Chapter 15

"I've made a grave mistake."

Cassius and Ryia brewed another potion quickly into a bowl made of clay, both of them using their powers together to create a repel blend. As soon as they finished, Roman rushed it over to Hadrian. Hadrian covered his eyes and wept heavily. In his subsequent flashback, Quinn was at his bedside deep into the night. It was harshly cold and Quinn was holding a candle to illuminate the room. Their love kept them warm.

"Where the brave shall live forever. Where thine enemies have been vanquished. Nor shall we mourn but rejoice, for those who have died the glorious death," whispered Quinn.

"It is the Viking death prayer brother. Does it not make you feel a certain spirit? If I were to die, remember these words, do not mourn," continued Quinn.

Hadrian fell to the floor.

"Brother! Return to me I beg of you! I dare not continue on without you!" yelled Hadrian, as Roman forced the new brew down his throat, parts of it running down his cheeks.

After an hour passes, Hadrian is in deep sleep on the couch in their tent. Roman was sitting with him, calmly stroking his hair, and laying sympathetic eyes on him, like he was nursing a son.

"Do not blame yourself Cassius. Hadrian has been burying these emotions for quite some time. This may have unearthed some beautiful moments in his life," whispered Roman.

"I'm terribly sorry, a fool and a brute I am," replied Cassius, feeling lower than usual.

"And a spineless man!" exclaims Ryia. She continued her hate-fueled thought.

"...To truly have to create a spell, or potion to remove insecure thoughts about me and another man? How clouded has your mind become husband?"

The insult pierced him. Cassius slouched down in his seat. His eyes went low like his posture and he stared at Ryia with an almost sinister look.

"I believe him Ryia. I too think...that we are in the midst of something other than God of the Eternal. And yes, for you to be flattered by the eyes of a pervert bothered me to my core. Had I not barked at him, not found an error in this...well that would make me less of a man. And...I still self-medicate," Cassius confessed. It took all he had to simply tell the truth, to the one person he was supposed to 'open' with.

"But why Cassius? You know the downfall it holds, to manipulate your mind, heart?" wondered Ryia, questioning if she knew her husband at all.

"We are disconnecting, my love. More and more each day. Perhaps ever since the kids," rebutted Cassius.

"DO NOT bring the kids into this!" Ryia barked with a vicious tone, protecting them from the conversation.

"Then I'm afraid I am at a lost for us. My annoyances, and ills do not move you to fix them. You'd rather I become a silent puppet, and glide through life on a golden feather. But I cannot, was I mistaken in the potion, yes. But I was not wrong in what I felt. Maybe I need a brief council with myself. I shall return."

"My love, do not abandon me!" Ryia sobbed, as the door was slammed shut in her face.

Roman continued to stroke Hadrian's hair as the potion began to wear off. The flashbacks flowed into a dream where Hadrian was soaring in the air. The way we want all dreams to go, in our favor.

Infuriated with himself, Cassius stormed to the outside path leading to his tent when Gamon laid eyes on him from a distance. This is what we call 'fate'. He attempted to move in closer to hear the curses and mumbles Cassius was spewing as he stomped angrily. He was trying to walk the argument off. Suddenly Gamon stepped on a small twig, snapping it. The breaking sound alerted Cassius and he spotted Gamon approaching from his post.

"You! You are to blame for this. With your heinous glare, I shall kill you for what you've done to my mind!" Cassius yelled, as he advanced toward Gamon, ready to attack with brute force.