Chapter 14

"I fear we're going so far into the unknown, that we won't come back," Roman jokingly stated with a kernel of truth.

"But a day in a year, Roman. Nothing more, no need for stress to play a part in this. Its history," replied Ryia.

"I will admit, there is a bizarre energy here. Something doesn't sit well with me, my sleep has been hindered since my foot landed in this area. This meteor ..." said Cassius.

"...This meteor can save the entire world. There's no denying the geological changes. I think we need to find a way to mobilize it. Move it to desolate areas. Imagine the flourish we can provide to the run down areas. The joy it will bring those people."

"Always the optimist, Roman. This is why working with you has been truly pleasurable," imparted Ryia.

Cassius shook his head in disbelief, and continued to brew more magical potions in their tent. He looked like an irritable warlock stalking over a cauldron. Thoughts of Gamon flew by his conscious, and he maneuvered his hand in an odd motion over the concoction. He sipped it with a discerning look on his face, just as Hadrian walked into the room. Hadrian dropped hisliterature onto the middle table with circular patterns, and astrological symbols on the cover. Cassius eyed the material from a distance. The text was deemed secular.

"What witchcraft have you brought into this room?"

"Cassius, you've been more agitated now than in recent memory," yelled Ryia.

"He believes in the other. Something that occupies space with the great God of the Eternal."

"He is a boy, Cassius. Let his imagination be free. Do not burden him with the narrow focus of old age. To be young is to be curious. I don't take anything away from your theories Hadrian, just know your place," mentioned Roman, sticking up for his little him.

Hadrian scowled at Cassius and took a seat. He pointed to the potions brewed around them. Ryia signaled to a cup at the other end.

"This one will stimulate your mind, young Hadrian," answered Ryia.

Hadrian downed it, as if dying of thirst. Immediately, visions of him and Quinn in childhood years attacked his mental. The memories are hazy, as if all the shapes and colors couldn't sit still, but he vividly connected to the emotion. He and Quinn are play-sword fighting with wooden sticks. Quinn tripped him and pointed it at his neck.

"I am victorious!" exclaimed Quinn.

Tears began streaming down Hadrian's face, like a waterfall from the eyes of a titan.

"What is in this potion? It brings about great pain, re-open scars of true sadness. Get it out of me!" desperately screamed Hadrian. He could handle science, but not emotion, a typical genius.

"Hadrian, calm down. It's merely a..." responded Ryia as she side-eyed Cassius.

"What did you put into this potion, Cassius? His memories are rushing into his brain."

Cassius then realized he accidentally created another potion meant to both stimulate, and remove memories of particular people. He truly meant to drink that one himself to get Gamon out of his subconscious, but when exposed to Hadrian, it brought about all the grief he'd been feeling since Quinn's disappearance.