Chapter 29

Leo, leading the pack, notices that the tunnel is getting even tighter. There is little to no light, the air is hot, and a strong whiff of garbage persists. Rats and other rodents circle around them as they travel onward.

In Zeddorin,

...The Prince sits up in his bed, wide awake, scanning the room for the demon. Three women, including Amalija, the nurse he slept with before, are slumbering naked near him. He, like his father, enjoys an occupied bed. Sex clears the mind. A complete contrast to being squished in a sewage line. In his bedroom he has no restraints, and room for curiosity. Though he only hugged onto one question.

"Did it work?"

The Prince walks to the balcony carefully, and peers out at the nightfall. He looks over Avalon's empire and its people. For the first time feeling like a Prince.


The Prince springs around in terror, only to see his servant startled as well.

"Soorry sir, my throat is clogged from a cold. But I believe it is time."