Death's Sigh.

Crimson Fire had already set up a plan to deal with Cao Huang's extreme speed. He just needed to execute it properly and acquiring Cao Huang's artifact won't be just a dream.

"Finish him off quickly. The one who manages to kill him, will get a piece of Level 3 Bronze Grade equipment." Crimson Fire announced.

Previously the Crimson Draught players weren't that enthusiastic to try and kill Cao Huang. They didn't want to die, as it will only decrease their hard earned Experience Points; resulting in a Level drop. But the lure of a bronze grade equipment was too great.

After dodging the arrows, Cao Huang first went after the Rangers. Although rangers had a less powerful attack Power than the Mages but due to their long range and quick firing speed, it will very difficult for Cao Huang to deal with other players while simultaneously dodging their attacks.

Thinking about this Cao Huang wasted no time and went after the rangers. Crimson Fire saw through his plan and directed his Shield Warriors and Guardian Knights to block his path. Cao Huang took a big jump over the Shield Warriors and the Guardians Knights. Seeing this Crimson Fire casted a fireball spell at Cao Huang who was in midair. Cao Huang sweated after seeing the fireball coming towards him. With great difficulty he twisted his body to avoid it but still the fireball somewhat grazed Cao Huang's left shoulder. A damage of - 46 appeared on top of Cao Huang's head. Crimson Fire was an elementalist and a really skilled one at that. But he was even more of a brilliant planner. Seeing that Cao Huang was going to touch the ground, Crimson Fire shouted, "Now!"

As soon as Cao Huang landed on the ground, several vines sprouted beneath his feet. Cao Huang was too late to react and the vines bounded him really firmly. This was the Spell [Vine Sprout]; a control spell, which rendered the target immobile for 5 seconds.

"Well done, Far Glow. Now that he is unable to move, he is just a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. Everyone, attack him with everything you have got."

This plan was meticulously created by Crimson Fire to deal with Cao Huang's excessive speed. When Cao Huang was busy dodging the ranger's attacks, Crimson Fire hinted his elementalist Far Glow to cast this spell as soon as Cao Huang landed on the ground. He knew that to save time, Cao Huang will try to jump over the Guardians Knights and Shield Warriors. This will give him the perfect chance to trap Cao Huang. The reason he cast a fireball on Cao Huang was to make him waste his life saving skill, if he had any.

Sonic Arrow!


Ice Spike!

Rock throw!


Water Whip!


- 23

- 19

- 31

- 11

- 32

- 27

Cao Huang was bombarded with barrage of spells from the Mages and variety of attacks from the rangers. Seeing Cao Huang's defense, the Crimson Draught players were startled but seeing so many attacks landing upon the restricted Cao Huang, they knew that Cao Huang had no chance of survival.

All Skills landed upon Cao Huang, kicking of a great dust storm.

"All hail Crimson Draught!" shouted Far Glow.

"All hail Crimson Draught!" repeated the Crimson Draught members.

"Can he escape from all these skills?" murmured Rolling Sloth.

"You must be getting paranoid to have such thoughts." said Far Glow after hearing his murmurs.

"Yeah, maybe I am thinking too much. Once we are done, we shall go and celebrate." said Rolling Sloth.

"Let's do that. It will be my treat." Said Far Glow.

As the Crimson Draught players were talking among themselves, Crimson Fire was dreaming about Cao Huang's items and equipment.

He faced his subordinates and shouted, "This is what happens when you mess with Crimson Draught."

"Crimson Draught!" Crimson Draught!" All the players started shouting.

"Rolling Sloth, go and pick up whatever he dropped. Don't miss a single piece." ordered Crimson Fire.

"Yes, Boss." Rolling Sloth went to the place where Cao Huang was bombarded with spells. The whole place was a mess, filled with craters of different sizes.

The dust still hadn't settled so it was impossible to see Rolling Sloth who went to get Cao Huang's equipment.

Rolling Sloth got closed to the area where he thought Cao Huang's corpse was lying. "Haha, I wonder what did this guy dropped."

"Why don't you see for yourself." A voice appeared behind him.

How could Rolling Sloth not recognize this voice. The voice he thought he will never hear. From this time on, this voice will become his greatest nightmare.

"How are-" Rolling Sloth wanted to ask how was he alive after receiving so many spells and attacks.

Soul Slash!

Rolling Sloth wasn't able to speak as he was instantly killed by Cao Huang's Soul Slash Skill.

Also, Cao Huang didn't have to worry about Rolling Sloth contacting Crimson Fire because Cao Huang's Reaper Of Souls ability had already stolen his soul. This meant that he wouldn't be able login for at least five hours.

"This really hurt. I am lucky that I have so much health points. If not who knows how will I able to escape." Cao Huang said flexing and popping his joints."

"Pick up what this guy dropped." Vilariun said.


"Now let's give these guys some much needed shock." Cao Huang narrowed his eyes dangerously.

On the other side, Crimson Fire and his Crimson Draught members were still waiting for Rolling Sloth's return. It has been about twenty seconds but still Rolling Sloth hadn't returned.

"Where the hell has he died to?" Crimson Fire was getting impatient while waiting.

"Could it be that he ran away with all the items dropped from that player?" Guessed one player.

"Rolling Sloth is my most trusted subordinate. Even if the whole guild betrays me; he will never betray me. So your guess is out of question. Said Crimson Fire.

"Could it that something happened to him?" Said someone else.

"I have feeling that something really bad is going to happen." Said Far Glow while panicking.

"Don't be a jinx Far Glow." Said another one who was also panicking.

"We will wait for him for ten seconds, if he still doesn't come; then you guys go and search for him." Ordered Crimson Fire.

"You don't have to wait for him. He won't return and neither would you." Crimson Fire and his players heard a voice that made their souls tremble.

"This voice! How can it be? How is he alive?" Crimson Fire was shocked to his core.

"You don't have to ask your subordinate. Let me answer it for you. You see, my total Health Points were far more than what your measly attacks could deplete. I did say before; I govern my own Death, and nobody can take this privilege away from me. Let me give you a taste of your own medicine."

The air became filled with Death intent which began to gather into a shape of the scythe's blade. The blade extended to eight yards in width. Every present player suffocated under the blades pressure.

"I will show you the consequences of angering me."

Death's Sigh!

The huge black and purple colored blade went sweeping towards Crimson Draught with a chopping motion of Cao Huang's hand.

The sound air being cut and screaming of souls was clearly heard.

What followed it was complete devastation and screams of Crimson Draught guild members. A single attack wiped out the whole party of Sixty players, including Crimson Fire himself.

Towards the north at some distance, the hidden players who were recording the whole scene were flabbergasted. They even forgot to stop the recording.

After sometime, they started shouting, "WTF! The place where that attack struck has been devastated. No one would believe that this place used to be a forest."