Four Changes of Desolation.

The destruction caused by Death's Sigh was devastating. Everything within 45 yards was pulverized. If a player who hadn't seen this place before saw this, he will never believe that this area around here, used to have trees. If not for the big gash in the ground, symbolizing destruction, everyone would take this place as clearing within a forest.

Cao Huang could see the players hidden behind the trees but he didn't do anything to them as they hadn't taken any malicious action against him.

The hidden players seeing that Cao Huang didn't take any action against them sighed a breath of relief.

"We should also get going before that expert changes his mind. We have enough recording to post it on the forums after higher ups had done eventually this player." The leading player said.

These players belonged to the famous guild Arcanum. The Arcanum is an information Giant in the Virtual Reality world, and one could find Arcanum's presence in practically every virtual reality game available. After reading Arcanum's compiled lists, a person could find about different occasions and events that had occurred in that World, what kind of experts were present in the game, who the number one player was, and more. Players had no need to go through the trouble of searching for such information through the official forums. The most well received information among the general public and players is always the Arcanum's player ranking list. This list contains information about the top 2000 most powerful players ranked by the experts of Arcanum themselves. Players that rank on the list are all monsters.

Any player who manages to earn a place on the the ranking List becomes a target for recruitment of all of the major Workshops in the gaming industry.

Be it dark players or righteous players. Both are eligible to appear on Arcanum's Ranking List. But there is also another list, known as the notoriety list. This compiled lists contains the information and rankings of the 1000 most notorious players. No righteous player is eligible to appear on this list.

After killing the Crimson Draught players, Cao Huang's name was on the verge of going black. Returning to the town was an option but he was still waiting for an envoy from the Council Of Darkness. He had to stay in the appearance of Death for the time being, so he wanted to avoid all the trouble of attracting unnecessary attention from the players who will come to kill him after seeing his red name.

Cao Huang traveled about seven to eight kilometers to the west and found a series of hills. Seeing that it was time for sunset, he walked with a leisurely gait and sat cross-legged on top of the biggest hill he could find. He then opened his Death's Book and bought a elegant looking flute for fifteen Death Points.

Cao Huang learned to play flute from his father. From when he was young, playing flute became his part time enjoyment.

Cao Huang gazed at the distant horizon. The sun was casting it's dim orange rays on everything below. The blue sky, pure white clouds coupled with the setting sun and the light breeze made everything appear so serene. The only thing lacking was a gentle touch of music. Cao Huang places the flute near his lips and started to play. Slowly his surroundings started to change, the sound of the flute flowed into the air of the cold spring, a warm wind blew and sunlight shone. The sky suddenly erupted flower petals dancing through the wind, the grass under his feet of began to sprout wildflowers. From the earth, a dark green colour spread throughout the area, dotted with thousands of purples and reds. This was the sound of the spring.

A scorching sun was up in the sky, blooming petals dancing in the heated breeze, all living things prospered, heaven and earth flourished. This is the sound of summer.

The leaves withered red, drifting in loneliness of the silent sky, just like the figure on the bench in the shadows of the lining trees. The earth had dried up, the time of dusk came, destiny still the same, the figure departs. This is the sound of the autumn.

Snowflakes swirling wave by wave, to a whirlwind bursting through the canyon, the sudden changes of the Aurora in the skies, the space in the heart like a solitary starry night sky. And everything goes silent but the melancholic vibe. This is the sound of winter.

This impromptu tune was the condition of Cao Huang's heart. It showed the burden of he was facing. His change from the blooming spring to the thorny winter, from the warm breeze to the harsh, swirling snowflakes of the coldest night.

"I wish Cao Dan, mother and father were here to see this beautiful view." Cao Huang thought in his heart.

Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!

"Bravo! What a beautiful tune! What do you call it?" A charming voice came from behind him.

Cao Huang had long since known about the presence behind him, still he answered without turning back, "I don't know but the 'four changes of desolation' sounds like a nice name."

"Yeah, it does." answered the figure.

Cao Huang slowly stood up, put his flute back in the inventory, and still facing the setting sun he asked the woman standing behind him, "What do you want?"

The woman spoke after a while, "I am an envoy from the Council of Darkness. I am came here with the intention of making you join us." Cao Huang slowly turned around and was stunned as he saw the woman before him. Long eyelashes, black eyes, a straight nose coupled with ruby red lips. Straight crimson coloured hair that reached her waist, an extremely supple and graceful body possessing fats at the right places and lacking where they should be lacking. Although she was a world shaking beauty, this wasn't the reason Cao Huang was stunned. It was because he actually knew who she was.

If you talk about the Virtual Reality gaming world, there must be a mention of the most beautiful players. The name of the player before him was Menghao Xin, who also known as the Scarlet Witch in the gaming world; one of the most beautiful players of China and leader of the First Class guild, Silent Demise. She was one of those players who always chose the dark side in whatever game they played. Her guild Silent Demise was also one of the strongest guild in many other Virtual Reality worlds.

Cao Huang had recognized her from all her posters, advertisements, Interviews and TV shows, that are spread all over China. She is a top class player with hundreds of millions of fans worldwide. Cao Huang's sister was also one of her loyal fans. It was rumored that her parents were one of the Big Bosses of the Underworld and that's where from her wealth came.

Cao Huang was puzzled to as why the leader of a First Rate Guild had come here. "You are the Scarlet Witch of the Silent Demise!" Seeing Cao Huang's reaction, the Scarlet Witch was slightly amused. "You know quite well don't you? Or are you one of my fans?" Cao Huang didn't know how to react but still he said, "I happen to know you because of my little sister. She is a loyal fan of yours." "Really? Then please give her my thanks." Said Scarlet Witch.

"Now can you tell me, what is someone like you doing here with that glaring red name? Aren't you afraid of being hunted down?" Asked Cao Huang curiously.

"Afraid? I have always joined the dark side in every Virtual Reality game I have played and you talk about me being afraid?" Scarlet Witch scoffed at Cao Huang.

Cao Huang didn't have any experience in talking to the opposite sex. He wanted to start a conversation but didn't thought that it would leave him this embarrassed.

"Haha, I am sorry!" Cao Huang said ruffling his hair.

"Forget it. Now let's talk about why am I here." Said Scarlet Witch.

"Then do tell me, what does the Council Of Darkness wants from me?" Cao Huang knew the answer but still he asked so he wouldn't appear suspicious.

"I am here to invite you to the Council Of Darkness." said Scarlet Witch.

"Why does the Council wants me to join them? Why should I join them? And isn't it the task of NPCs to recruit candidates? Then why are you here?" Cao Huang asked all these questions in a single breath.

"You ask a lot of questions. But very well, let me answer them for you. I don't know why they want you to join them as in my opinion, you don't even have the qualifications to become eligible for their consideration. I guess they admire your talent or something that they instructed me to make your join the Council Of Darkness at all costs. Secondly, What you will get depends upon your contributions, mainly know as notoriety points. The more notoriety points you have; the better the benefits you get. If you have enough notoriety points then you can even move some of the forces of Council Of Darkness. Lastly, yes it is the responsibility of NPCs to recruit suitable players but as I had recently become a member of the Council; they gave me this task as a quest to prove myself. Now if you are happy with my explanation then sign this blood contract."

"Blood contract!?" Cao Huang didn't expect that he had to sign a blood contract.

Blood contracts were signed to guarantee the sincerity between two parties. This meant that that a person wouldn't be able to cancel or defy the terms set in the contract as it had full support of the system. For example; if someone signs a blood contract that he will pay you one gold coin, then it will be compulsory for him to give that gold coin to you in the mentioned time. If not, then the system will deduct that amount from his balance and also the person who breaks the terms mentioned in the contract will suffer heavy punishments from the system.