Think Again!

"What are the terms mentioned in the contract?" Cao Huang asked.

"The contract states that you will be a subordinate of the Council Of Darkness. You can never reveal the location of their headquarters. You can't defy or neglect a mission given to you by the Council. You can't harm your fellow members of the Council or launch a campaign against the dark players. Defying these terms will decrease your level by 30, curse you with 50% defense reduction permanently. Also you won't be able to login for 25 days. Every NPCs and dark player will hunt you down after you break the terms of this contract. As for the rewards, you will gain an item of your choice upon signing this contract. You will also receive monthly reward of a single gold and equipment that suits your class and level."

Cao Huang sucked in a mouthful of cold air. The terms of the contract were too vicious. Even if he made a mistake in defying these terms, the consequences he had to suffer would be too much for him to bear.

"What if I don't want to join the Council Of Darkness?" asked Cao Huang.

"Then I am given full authority to eradicate you. They made a special mention of not allowing you to join any other organization." said Scarlet Witch with a slight threat in his tone.

"Haha, I am not afraid of your threats. Tell your Council that I am not willing to live the life of a slave by agreeing to these terms. If I wanted to live by the rules, I wouldn't have considered being a Dark player." Cao Huang answered while smiling.

"Very well, If you choose death; don't blame me for ending your life." Scarlet Witch started to chant a magic spell.

Hell Fire!

A blackish coloured flame with some strands of Crimson, started to spread from beneath her feet towards Cao Huang. Cao Huang immediately used Force skill to leap backwards in order to dodge the sea of flames that appeared before him. He was in mid air when Scarlet Witch pulled out a black colored staff hanging from her back. She drew some symbols in the air and the hell fire stared to converge on the end of her staff.

Cao Huang was frightened to see this scene. Only those players who have reached over 30% control of their bodies are able to infuse a spell into two situations without needing to cast another spell. At the first time, Scarlet Witch directly let loose a sea of fire towards Cao Huang, then she converged the fire on her staff making it another type of spell. During the two situations, she didn't chant the spell to cover her weapon with the hell fire but instead manipulated the already used spell and turned it into a entirely different mode of attack. Where one was a ranged attack, the other was a melee attack. This method of using spells is known as echo infusion. Just like an echo which is a single sound but is heard twice or more than twice.

[Author: Need a good name for this method]

"Such precise control!" Thought the shocked Cao Huang.

Cao Huang snapped out of his shock when he saw a staff covered with hell fire coming his way. If he gets struck by this, not only will he receive the physical attack of the staff, he will also get burned by the hell fire; which deals more than 30 damage points per second for a total of 10 seconds. It also reduces the targets defense by 10% for the same time.

Cao Huang used the phantom steps to vanish from his original place, the staff passing through his afterimage. Cao Huang appeared behind the Scarlet Witch and used his scythe to deliver a slash on her defenseless back. Just as his scythe was about to slice her back, a transparent red colored shield appeared before her back.

"Too naive." Scarlet Witch smiled.


The shield burst apart, the broken shards striking Cao Huang's robe of desolation but unable to pierce through it.

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Several damages appeared on Cao Huang's head as he was sent flying due to the explosion.

"Double Casting! And even so quickly at that." Cao Huang let out a shocked Voice.

Double casting means casting two spells at the same time. For the caster to perform double casting, he or she must have a good control over her body, fasting moving tongue and hands. Not many players are able to double cast at this stage of the game. And this quick, only a handful of top class players could do so.

Cao Huang regained his footing only after flying back several meters. He again leaped at Scarlet Witch, this using Using force to propel him forward. Scarlet Witch was caught off-guard by this sudden burst of speed. Swirling the Scythe above his head, Cao Huang this time again delivered a chopping attack at Scarlet Witch's head but... Before he could reach her, a thorn shaped spike erupted from the ground in front of him and pierced his heart.

"Haha, You are too impulsive. Trying to defeat your opponent without analyzing his movements and skills; I don't know why the Council Of Darkness wants to recruit you?" Said the Scarlet Witch in disdain.

"Thanks for imparting me with your experience. I shall remember this." a voice told her from behind her back.


Soul Slash!

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The sound of a blade cutting the flesh was clearly heard. An enormous damage appeared on top of Scarlet Witches head. The skill attack used by Cao Huang proved to be a critical hit, depleting over 60% of Scarlet Witch's health in a single hit. A large gash was made on Scarlet Witch's back; leading from her waist to her shoulder bone. Blood kept oozing from her wound.

"You were clearly penetrated by my Blood Thorn. How could you appear behind my back?" Asked the staggering Scarlet Witch.

"Like you said, analyze your opponents skill. You are clearly far more adept at fighting then me. Then why should I engage with you in a frontal battle." said the smirking Cao Huang.

"This doesn't answer my question." said the expressionless Scarlet Witch.

"It's simple, the player you killed was just a clone." revealed Cao Huang.

"But I didn't see you making clones of yourself, in the whole process." said Scarlet Witch.

"Why should I tell you all my secrets when we aren't even acquaintances." Said Cao Huang slightly amused.

"So you aren't a fool after all. Very well, the play times over. Let me show you some real power." Said Scarlet Witch as masses of Crimson coloured gas started to swirl around her.

All the area became filled with evil aura. The heat became too unbearable to bear for normal players. The surroundings around them became distorted. The whole place resembles Hell. Cao Huang also sensed a dramatic change in her attributes. Her Crimson coloured armor also started to change its shape. It's appearance started to appear more demonic. The Scarlet Witch in front of him appeared to be like a demon. Her beauty became increasingly bewitching, just like a succubus.

"This is my Nephilim form. Although I can only use only 5% of it's power. It's more than enough to kill you ten times. I could have easily killed you without revealing this, but I have to teach you where your place lies." Hell fire started to swirl around, the land became rigid and cracked, the whole place reeked of evil. This type of environment can reduce a player attributes ranging from 20% to 30%.

"Demonic Blood line! She has already acquired a bloodline. And one of the Nephilim at that."

Nephilims were one of the beings that lived in hell. Even in hell their position ranked within top 50. This bloodline gave it's wielder pure destructive capabilities. Upon activation, it also had an area effect, which changes the surroundings suitable for it's wielder.

"Nephilim bloodline, ranked 112th on the bloodline rankings. She must have completed a hidden quest to acquire such rare and powerful bloodline." explained Vilariun.

"Bloodline ranking? Bloodlines are also ranked?" asked Cao Huang within his mind.

"Yeah." answered Vilariun.

"Ahh, What a cool thing! I wish I also had one of these things." Said Cao Huang depressingly.

"Fool! Don't you have the Chaos Dragon/World Devourer Origin Blood. That is your bloodline. It's just that it will take sometime for it to merge with your body." revealed Vilariun.

"So that's it. So, at what place does my bloodline rank?" Asked Cao Huang curiously.

"You will know soon enough." said Vilariun mysteriously.

Now back to the battle.

"Do you realize the difference in our power, in our abilities? Someone like you isn't qualified to join the Council Of Darkness. This is my domain, now feel despair." said Scarlet Witch in a majestic voice.

"Is it?" said Cao Huang smiling mysteriously.

"What?" Scarlet Witch didn't understood what Cao Huang said.

"Is this YOUR domain?" Cao Huang repeated, his smile even more evident.

Soon the evil aura inside the place, started to move towards Cao Huang, as obeying his will. A deathly pressure was placed on the surroundings. Churning and wailing sounds came from all over. Black strands of death energy started to appear in the air, swirling around Cao Huang. This black matter coupled with the Crimson Strands from the place itself, gave Scarlet Witch the premonition of doom. The pressure emanated by Cao Huang made Scarlet Witch suffocate. Cao Huang in front of her looked like the incarnation of abomination.

Cao Huang's pupils became red, narrowing his eyes he said, "Then think again."

[Author: I give you the SHRINGEN]