
Chapter 34

A loud knocking at my front door startled me and when I lost my concentration, my magic surged. It proved to be just the thing I needed, though; blowing open the box I'd been working on trying to open for hours.

"Yes!"I held up my gloves and kodachi triumphantly while I kicked the box that had previously held them hostage. Then I did a little victory dance; waving my weapons in the air with glee before laying them down. "Who is it?"I called as I continued my dance down the hallway and to the front door.

"Ull,"came the reply. "You okay in there?"

"Yeah, I'm fantastic."I opened the door to Ull's smiling face. "What are you doing here?"

"Dad was getting impatient,"he said. "He was about to come down here and get you himself, but I talked him into being more subtle and sending me. You gonna ask me in or what?"

"Enter and be welcome, Ull."I stood aside; Nick peering around my feet and adding his meow to the welcome.