
Chapter 35

"I'm just not convinced that you're ready,"Teharon said for like the fiftieth time. Or maybe the third.

"I'm done waiting,"I growled. "Let's just do this."

I'd been over and over the same exercises with him for hours. I knew what to do; the only thing left was the practical application.

"I guess we can give it a try,"he said and sighed.

I let out a whoop before kissing his cheek. "Thank you. I know I can do this, Teharon."

"I don't doubt that you know what to do, Vervain."He looked really apprehensive. "There's just a big difference between knowing and doing. There's so much that can go wrong."

"And you'll be here to help me if something does,"it was the same argument I'd been using for half an hour. There wasn't any need to repeat it except that it seemed to be sinking in at last.

"All right."He scooted back on the library's floor to give me some space. "Close your eyes and sink into your subconsciousness as I taught you."

"Okay"-I smiled—"sinking."