
Chapter 36

I was warm. Correction; make that hot. I was burning hot, my screams boiling up my throat and my blood sizzling in my veins. I would've given anything for a drop of water; sold my body and soul for it in a heartbeat. The thought of the cool relief it would provide made me whimper. I would have begged, but I couldn't get words past the desert my throat had become. Then something cold caressed my skin, and I sighed. The cloth skimmed over my body, but as soon as it left, I burned once more.

Someone held a cup to my lips and told me to drink. Heavenly water poured into me; a temporary balm. It doused the flame for only a moment. Like fighting off a lava flow with a garden hose, it merely crusted the surface until the magma moved on and swept it away. My mind was fuzzy; my brain becoming nothing more than stewed meat. I fancied that I saw flames licking at the inside of my closed eyelids. My muscles were clenching and pulsing; desperately trying to escape the inferno.