
Chapter 60

My life was quieter than it had ever been for about two weeks following my departure from Asgard. None of the gods contacted me, and I have to admit I was a little disappointed by that. I thought at least Ull would come by to say hi but then again, Thor was his father. Blood before buds.

I sank into a depression deeper than I'd ever experienced before. I never left the house. I couldn't even paint. Thankfully, I'd already finished the commissioned portraits and was able to deliver them on time or I'd have had some very upset customers. My altar was neglected and so was my garden. The herbs I grew for eating and witchcraft were probably overrun with weeds. I didn't know for sure since I only went outside to get the mail. All phone calls went unanswered until Jackson and Tristan stopped by to check on Nick and found me sleeping. It was two in the afternoon. They held me while I cried; Tristan giving Jackson accusing glances the entire time as if it were all his fault.