
Chapter 72

I knew the exact moment Aphrodite remembered me and realized that I'd witnessed her humiliation. The whip swished back and her rage echoed around me as she let it fly. Even prepared, I couldn't stop my scream. Tears ran down my face, and I didn't care. I would've begged, I would've done anything she wanted, just to stop that whip from falling again, but she didn't give me a chance. She just kept wailing, kept pulling back the whip until I thought I would pass out. I hoped I would pass out.

As I weakened, I instinctively reached for strength from the earth, and when the power edged up my toes, I remembered. I saw the circle in my head and the Gods falling to their knees around me. Could I do it again? Could I weaken her until she couldn't wield the whip? It was sure worth a try.