
Chapter 74

Something cool and liquid was at my lips, and I drank it down greedily. There was soft murmuring around me and warmth everywhere. My body tingled like a freshly awakened foot, and I had the urge to stretch everything all at once. I opened my eyes and saw a white feather with a red tip hanging before me. I blinked, refocused, and saw that it was attached to a long, silky, black braid. Teharon. I smiled.

"We have to stop meeting like this,"I croaked.

Teharon laughed softly. Everything about him was gentle. He was the perfect healer. "Drink more of this, Vervain."

I heard some movement; it sounded like running. Far away, there was a crash, then a slam, and the pound of heavy footfalls. As they neared, I heard angry male voices getting louder with them, and I groaned. I was too tired to deal with more anger. Can't we all just get along?

"Tell them that if they can't control their hostility, they're not to come in,"Teharon looked to his left as he spoke.