
Chapter 75

"Is this something kinky, Trevor? 'Cause I think I've had enough kink to last me a year, and I doubt I'll ever be able to do bondage again after that whole scene with Afro,"I huffed.

Trevor finally lifted his head to look at me and his face was filled with laughter. He looked so happy that it reminded me of something the love magic had said; bliss beyond belief. That was it exactly; Trevor looked blissful. I gaped at him. He was gorgeous when he smiled; heart-stoppingly beautiful. He laughed suddenly; a barking sort of sound that ended on a howl. I gaped some more; this time in curious fascination.

"The Binding isn't kinky."He nuzzled my cheek before he went on. "It's an old magic. As ancient as, and bound with, the Law of Three."

"Three times three shall your casting return to thee,"I murmured. "Be it for good or evil, three times three it shall be."