Chapter 63: Kill Something

He landed on top of the wolves, his body curling into a fetal position.

And then the horrific sound of wolves screaming in pain filled the little neighborhood that had once been Bond Hill.

The nauseating smell of blood-filled Carmella's nose. She registered Bilal's call and realized that she was frozen with arms outstretched towards the writhing ball of tentacles, because that is what her son now was. Curled into a fetal position, all that could be seen of her son were grey tentacles that struck with assurance, stinging and slashing at wolves even while they tried to scurry away.

Wolves that had been biding their time to join in the attack to Bilal were running away with tales tucked between their legs. One moment there were wolves racing down the street toward the library but within seconds they were hiding in crumbled buildings or beneath broken down cars. They watched as wolf after wolf was annihilated by the waving tentacles of the new Alpha.