Chapter 64: Watch and Learn

It was at the break of dawn when laughter fell from her cracked lips. She had finally heard the beating of Little Wolf's heart.

Bilal felt as if he was on fire. He tossed in his sleep, his tangled hair sticking to his skin.

In his sleep the wolves were taller than him, hundreds of them for as far as the eye could see. He stood alone with the small library at his back. And then much like a ripple resembling the wave of wheat through a field they began to leap and Bilal sat up in bed with a jolt.

Raj was sitting on the floor beside the couch smiling at him. "Hi Daddy." He had been playing with the activity maze that he'd gotten from the library. Seeing it sent a chill through Bilal.

"Hi Rajie," he croaked. His throat was dry and he realized that he was thirsty and hungry. On the cocktail table was a glass of water and a mug of chicken soup. He reached for the water and noted that his arm was heavily bandaged.

He paused and looked at his son. "How long have I been asleep?"