Chapter 21

"Yeah." She nodded in gratitude. Garden fresh vegetables free of charge? What fool would turn that down?

They made plans to meet in the back yard at five thirty to get the grill started. She had to practically drag her son from the television set. He didn‘t even watch sports but he was standing in front of it just because there wasn‘t a flat screen television in the cottage.

"Come on Adam. Let‘s go." She said while waiting at the front door for him to follow.

Riley followed them to the door. "See you at five thirty," he called in his lazy country drawl.

Stella looked behind her and grinned and then she stopped. Why was she grinning like a fool?

"See ya," she called.


For the first time in a long while, Riley didn‘t make plans to spend Saturday evening at Stubby‘s drinking with his cousin. He got showered and then took a few moments to appraise his newly trimmed beard in the mirror, happy that he‘d gotten rid of all the shag.