Chapter 25: Boy Problems

When I got to Mr. Bryant's math class, I did have a change of attitude. I paid attention and tried not to nod when he taught things that I already knew.

"Kenya, can I see you?" Mr. Bryant asked when class was over.

I hid my happy face as I headed for his desk.

His eyes swept over me briefly. "You look nice."

I started blushing, and a big smile spread across my face. "Thank you."

"You know, you did a great job on your homework assignments. I'm happy with how quickly you are catching on. But I looked at your test scores from last year and see that they are deceiving. You are a much better student than you're letting on."

"Oh…" I had become too accomplished too quickly.

"I don't want you to hold back. I see you mentally answering the questions as I'm asking them."

I nodded.

"I want you to speak out more in class, Kenya. Classroom participation is part of your grade."