Chapter 33: Tell Me About The Future

I was quiet for the rest of the weekend. Nubia thought it was because I was grounded and Mama thought it was due to Kush's visit, but in actuality it was because I had gone back to square one. The desperate need to find a way back to my own time had returned. I couldn't live this life over. I had to get back to my real life so that I could fix it.

Since I had cleaned the house from top to bottom as my mother requested on Saturday, on Sunday I lay in my bed staring at the ceiling.

On Sunday afternoon, Mama came into my bedroom and sat down on the side of my bed. "What's wrong?"

I shook my head.

Mama reached out and lightly stroked my hair. "I didn't mean to be so rough on you. I understand liking a boy and wanting to look nice for him."

I sighed, too tired to explain that DeMarcos meant nothing to me. None of this was even real. Maybe I needed to sit in a padded room next to James and Edith.