Chapter 46: Virtuous Genius

"Maybe, he doesn't want you to know that he is the one who sent us all back. You see, I think that Bill is the control in this experiment, and we are all the variables."

"We're the guinea pigs."

"Yep," James said. "We're the lab rats."

"How good of an actor are you?" James asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"If Bill is the key, we're going to need him to get us back. That means we have to stay in his good graces."

"And it means that I can't run home and shoot him in the face like I want to do."

James blinked rapidly. "Um, right. I know you're pissed, but so am I. But do you think you can handle it, at least until I get out of here? Because together we can work that information out of him."

I nodded. I had to keep it together. There was no other choice if I wanted to get back to my own time.

"Do you have any children to get back home to?" I asked.

"No children." He looked away distantly. "I don't have anyone to get back home to. My life…" He shook his head.