Chapter 20

"You spent more time shooting her down then selling yourself—and that's only because you can't. I think Jane is the one who figured out the filing system. And it's certainly Jane who is the more proficient typist. I believe that Jane has been doing the majority of the work … and probably fixing your errors. She doesn't try to take credit for it, either. She hasn't once taken credit for doing anything around here except, perhaps, making the best cup of coffee that I've had in ages."

There was a knock at the door and Tim came to his feet. Security entered and Tim turned away from Jen. "Please collect your things and your things only. And the notepad and pen you're holding. Leave them right there on my desk."

"Ma'am. Follow us."

Jen's mouth was still hanging open in total surprise. She got up and was escorted to the cubicle and allowed to get her items from her cubby along with the photograph of her dog NuNu and some other trinkets there.

Jane was standing at the wet bar so that she wouldn't be in the way. Jen wouldn't meet her eyes, and Jane took no pleasure in seeing her like this. Jen was escorted out while everyone watched.


Every one of Jane's accounts was locked, which was a good thing because that meant that Jen hadn't been able to access them. She made sure to check anything of hers that Jen could have had contact with. She called Tim and explained what had happened. She heard him cursing. He told her to call IT to take the entire computer. She heard him saying to himself that he wouldn't put anything past her.

"How far are you behind?" There wasn't a question of if, just how far.

Jane was honest. "I don't think Jen has done any of the things she said she would."

"Christ. You'll need to come into my office to work under my account." After hanging up the phone, he realized that he'd said "Christ." Wasn't that considered blasphemy or something? Shit, he'd have to watch his language. Damnit.

He hoped that woman hadn't compromised any of his clients in an attempt to discredit Jane. If she had then there would be hell to pay and he would press charges to the fullest extent of the law—and he knew of ways to make the fullest extent even fuller!

Jane came in and he printed up some items that he would need to prepare for tomorrow's partners' meeting. Then he got up and gave her his seat.

Her eyes flitted to his. "Thank you."

"Just tell me what systems you need and I'll log in to them."

The two worked quietly together, Jane's steady typing a comforting backdrop. Tim almost forgot … well, it was as if Corrine was there. He glanced out the window and saw the rain pouring down. It wasn't letting up, and it was nearly time to leave. He thought about Jane's shoes squeaking and her taking two buses to get home. That was ridiculous! She'd turn into a drowned rat within minutes of being out in this weather!

"You can finish up tomorrow. Are you ready to go? Because I'm leaving and I can take you home."

Her mouth opened and formed a little O. She glanced out the window, and her brow went up at the relentless rain. "It's coming down pretty hard," she whispered. "If it's no trouble, I'd appreciate it."

"Not at all."

She pressed SAVE and logged out. She stood and stretched then slipped her stocking feet into her shoes. Tim hadn't even realized that she had gotten comfortable enough to take them off. He watched her, barely realizing that he was watching her every move. She was so tall and graceful. The line of her neck was like a ballerina's. She didn't wear a stitch of makeup but her face was perfect. Even her dark brown lips didn't need a bit of red, and her brown eyes were lined in the blackest of lashes, her brow arched perfectly …

Tim blinked and looked away before she caught him staring and thought he was a pervert. "Um … I was going to eat dinner. Feel free to join me." He looked embarrassed. "You can help me celebrate winning my case."

"Oh you won!" she exclaimed happily.

"I suppose you can say that, although my client will be spending several years behind bars. Strange victory, but it's what he hired me for. So is that a yes?"

Jane didn't know how comfortable she would be eating dinner with Tim, but she was his assistant and had better learn to get comfortable with him quick. They would be working closely together.

"Yes, thank you." They put on their coats and headed out the office together.

"Where would you like to eat?" he asked once they were in the building's garage.

Her mouth dropped. "Oh, I wouldn't know …"

He used his key to disengage the locks on his Cadillac. Some liked their sports cars, but he was still a Cadillac kind of man. "What do you like to eat?" He opened the door for her.

"I … you decide. I like everything."

Tim chuckled. That could not be true. He should test her on that, but maybe some other time. He wanted a big juicy steak and he knew just the place. "Steak it is."

Jane settled into the nice leather seat of Tim's car then buckled herself in. She found herself peeking at him as they drove. She noted that he had developed a five o'clock shadow and it brought his professional and polished look more down to earth. She liked seeing him with his tie loosened and his jacket off. But she liked the way he looked dressed perfectly for court, too. She knew nothing about men's suits, only that his big muscular body looked great in them. Even sitting, she could see the way the fine material stretched over his big thighs. She felt a tingly sensation in her belly and turned to look out at the passing scenery.

They arrived at a place called Nicks Chops and Chasers. The restaurant was built like a stone cottage, and as soon as they got out of the car, Jane could smell the roasting meats. Her stomach began to growl, and she glanced at Tim to see if he'd heard. If he did, he didn't show it as he led her into the nice restaurant. She hoped her shoes wouldn't start squeaking any louder as they hurried through the rain.

Once inside a host greeted them and then whisked them into the crowded main room. There was a huge fireplace, and Jane was thoroughly impressed. They were seated at a small table near the fireplace, and she was happy for the added warmth.