Chapter 21

"I hope you like steak. They serve the best aged beef I've ever had."

She nodded. "I've never had steak."


"We have roast beef but never steak."

He thought of something appropriate to say. "Well, I'm sure that Nick's is the best introduction to steak that you could ever have."

"Thank you for inviting me."

"No, thank you." He decided not to say that he would have never had the guts to come here without someone. He still hadn't gotten used to eating alone in public.

A waitress came and took their drink orders. Tim had a beer and Jane had raspberry lemonade. Then he spent a few minutes helping her decide what cut of steak she might like. She settled on a rib-eye while he went for the porterhouse. She wasn't sure how she preferred it cooked so to be on the safe side he had them make hers medium well. He himself preferred medium, and he made sure they brought all of the trimmings.