Chapter 22

"What happens if you miss curfew?"

"Well, you aren't allowed in. You have to wait until the doors open again in the morning."

"Well, that's stupid. What if there's an emergency, an accident, a flat tire?"

"It's considered discipline. By leaving you take on the consequences that you might not be able to get back in." That had been drilled into each nun from the time that she could remember. Nuns had been locked out before, and they always had a good reason for missing curfew. But there were no exceptions made.

Tim drove a little faster. He wasn't quite sure where the school was and Jane wasn't good with the directions, but he managed to get her home safely and soundly with seven minutes to spare.

"Thank you Tim!" she yelled over her shoulder. "See you tomorrow!" She slammed the car door shut and hurried through the rain to the large foreboding building.