Chapter 33

She explained that the younger ones would be outside playing and showed him an entertainment room where a large television was playing some type of history program. There was a Ping-Pong table and a small library. The room was dotted with girls who ignored the Ping-Pong table and the television. They were doing each other's hair or laughing and talking in groups.

Someone squealed when they entered the room. He wasn't sure if it was because a male had invaded their domain or the sight of Martier who they rushed to greet. Some of the girls giggled when they looked at him, and he shoved his hands in his pockets and became uncomfortable. Several of the nuns entered the room to ask her about herself, and one flew past him, took Martier by the hand, and whisked her away to a corner.

"I never told Sister Louise about your books," Sister Callista said. "I was surprised when she asked me about them. I'm so sorry, Jane. I did not want you to go."