Chapter 34

His low spoken words were doing something to the way her heart beat, making it speed up as she listened to it reverberate from his chest. What if he touched her like that with his fingertips?

"Cracked black pepper, and because we found this rosemary we'll take an entire sprig and lay it on top." He turned to her with a grin that sent her heart racing. "Normally I'm a purist and no green should ever touch steak unless it's my salad that got too close. But I'll hand it to the chefs. Rosemary is a fine complement to beef. So we'll consider this the coup de grace. And viola. Steak a la Tim."

He carried the tray of steaks outside and she followed, listening to his every word as if he was a sage and she his disciple.

"Next the grill has to be smoking hot."

She could see that he had achieved that. He had used a charcoal grill and said that he preferred it, but that was because he was old-fashioned. "Propane is for girls," he joked.