Chapter 59

Wednesday after work, Tim dropped Martier off at her cottage so she could prepare for dinner at Jakob and Elaina's. She dared not wear any of Corrine's clothes, but the ones she had so recently purchased didn't give off the right vibe. She had changed outfits twice when Tim knocked on the door. She settled on a skirt and blouse reminiscent of her days at the convent, only these had been purchased from money she earned—and they were a lot nicer. With a distraught sigh, she bounded down the stairs and rushed to the door.

Tim caught his breath. He loved when she wore her long hair down to flow in thick curls over her shoulders. "Ready?" He slipped his hands to her waist and leaned in to kiss her.

Martier pulled back frowning. "I … no. I should change." Martier gestured back into the house and made to turn.

Tim chuckled and held her in place. "Martier, sweetheart, you look perfect. Okay? You have nothing to worry about."