Chapter 58

They got into his car. "Are you caught up with everything you need to do?" she asked as she buckled herself in.

"What? Oh, yeah. Everything is on schedule."

They drove in silence for a while. "What should we do for dinner?" Martier asked. "I have a chicken thawing out in the fridge."

"Oh, Martier, I have to make a stop this evening. You should have dinner without me."

He didn't offer more information, and she assumed that he had to run some errands for the trip. Maybe he ran out of black socks or something.

"Sure, honey," she said.

"Martier, today …" He sighed heavily. "Today is the anniversary of my wife … of Corrine's death." He stared ahead at the road.

"Oh, Tim, I'm so sorry." She reached out and placed her hand over his. "I am so sorry. Do you need to be alone?"

He nodded. "I … want to go to the cemetery. I haven't done that yet …"

She rubbed his hand. "I didn't know."

"No, I never talked about it."

"If you want to talk about it …"

He shook his head.