Chapter 78

"I think this is it!" Dhakiya said.

Martier rolled her eyes. She'd heard the same thing at least once a week. She looked at the dress that her friend was holding up against her body and could have sworn that it was one that Dhakiya had already selected and rejected. She feigned interest and found the words to tell her everything she liked about the dress and to downplay any of Dhakiya's concerns. And then she remembered why it had been rejected—the price-tag.

Dhakiya was in the process of hanging it back up when Martier slipped it out of her hands. "We are getting this dress,"

Dhakiya frowned. "We're on a budget."

"I'm buying you this dress."


"You said it was perfect for you and you only get married once."

"Martier, this dress is three thousand dollars. It's a dress that I'm only going to wear once? I can't do that. I can find a dress I like for half that. I just have to look harder."