Chapter 77

Martier looked up sharply, shaking her head in denial.

Claudette squeezed her hands. "I loved Aaron for more years than I care to admit. I forgave him for not wanting to broadcast our relationship in the workplace. And I convinced myself that I didn't need more. Marriage, kids. Because we were perfect just the way we were—when it's just between the two of us it's perfect." She swallowed and looked away. "I lied to myself because he didn't act like the other men in the office. He didn't cat around or even look at any other woman. So I told myself that we were just too evolved for marriage. Our relationship was modern and sensible." Claudette narrowed her eyes. "The truth is, Aaron is ashamed of me."

Martier shook her head.

"He doesn't want to be the man that they talk about at the country club or during his family dinners. Maybe he even thinks that being married to a black woman is beneath him, I don't know."

"Claudette, have you talked to Aaron about this?"