Chapter 76

They flew back home. Martier was quiet and stared out the window of the plane for nearly the entire trip. Tim knew that she was trying to make sense of the new memories. He promised that they would get her someone to talk to about them, but she only shook her head.

Tim insisted that Martier take off a few days of work, but two days of roaming her home with only memories of death and blood to keep her company was too much. Elaina had tried to keep her company, but Martier had to tell the well-meaning woman that she needed this time alone to sort through things. Besides, Elaina wanted to talk about therapy and psychiatrists as if Martier were insane.

Why would she ever want to talk about it? All she wanted to do was to forget.

That wasn't completely true. Remembering her mother and father and her brother and sisters was a joy. And those memories kept her from sinking into a total funk.