Chapter 92

As Martier read, her hands began to sweat. The next home was that of Thomas and Candis Ibori and their two children—who were unnamed. As Martier read the details of the slaughter, she covered her mouth and cried. She remembered that Papa used to drink beer with Mr. Ibori …

Martin didn't return home after the first day but stayed at a camp where he and his men provided reports of their activities and were given additional weapons including high-powered rifles. The next day was a repeat of the first—with one difference. Someone had found out that Benitha Besigye had provided information to Tutsis. Her father was then taken into custody, and her mother's name was placed on the list for execution.

Martier turned to the last page of the file, her hands shaking.

It read: "Martin Besigye was killed while awaiting trial; prison officials found his beaten body on August 12, 1994."