Chapter 93

They met Geoff Hernandez, who worked with the documentation department. He appeared to be of Latin descent and was fairly short with a belly that poked out like a pregnant womans. He smiled easily and seemed happy to meet with them, Martier especially.

She left her group behind while Geoff led her to an office containing a number of file cabinets and a computer. "Miss Besigye, I'll show you how to search the database. You can input names or locations, and the information that you'll receive back is like a tree with branches. We're trying very hard to connect every individual involved. For that reason I would like to record your testimony."

She raised her brow. "Mine?"

"Yes. You're a survivor. And if you will consider providing your account of the events as you remember them, then it is just another branch that fills out this tree of information."

Martier felt her palms sweat. She squeezed the tissue that was in shreds in her hand but eventually nodded.