Chapter 97

"I think I'm more excited than nervous." She wasn't sure if that was true. As they drove down the various streets leading to her old home, she tried to determine if anything looked familiar—but nothing did. Not even the market triggered a memory, and she knew that she had walked there daily either with her brothers and sisters or with her mother. Things had changed a great deal.

Soon they drove up to a home surrounded by a stone and cement wall. The memory of her first home returned to her.

"Oh my God …"

Geoff got out of the truck and helped her out. There was a metal door leading into the yard, and he knocked on it sharply. It wasn't the same door, but everything else was exactly the same.

A man opened the flimsy door and stared at them. Thankfully, Geoff did all of the talking. Martier's voice had disappeared as her eyes travelled around the front yard and then locked onto the neat house.