Chapter 98

She wanted to walk the streets and to get a feel of her hometown one last time. She took her time walking down roads that she and her brother and sisters had walked. She nodded her greeting to those she passed and reveled in the sounds and sights that proved life had indeed renewed itself in this old neighborhood.

Afterwards she roamed the indoor marketplace for the ingredients for a pie. She remembered that there wasn't an exact price for anything, more like a "suggestion" of what you should buy and how much you should pay. She was amused when a woman told her that for a pie she would need this spice or that, even though she had never heard of those spices and didn't want them for her pie.

She sniffed lemons, and an older woman met her eyes as if she feared she would slip it into her bag without paying for it.

Martier recognized the woman. She had been selling her products at this stall forever! "I remember you from when I was a little girl."