Chapter 99

He looked at the ground. "When I saw Yook come into the house I went after him specifically. But then he picked you up, and it seemed that you were the most important thing in the world in that moment. I thought, 'Ha, he can't out run me now.' And then I raised that machete … As I brought it down, I saw the look in your eyes. It was everything that made sense in that look. Terror, questions, appeal … but no words, no cries, no screams. And then suddenly it was like … God was looking at me through those eyes."

"I could no longer convince myself that I was doing what I was supposed to be doing," Kokayi said. "I knew that I was damned." He stared into the distance. "I didn't pick up another weapon or kill another person. And then later, when I found out that they were going to return to the house to make sure the deed was done, I returned first."